Left ventricle reconstruction in patients with ejection fraction less than 30% and left ventricle aneurysm of the 2 and 3 type according to L. Menicanti classification improves the quality of life




Aim. To assess the quality of life (QOL) in patients with left ventricular reconstructions with an ejection fraction of less than 30%and left ventricle (LV) aneurysm of type 2 and 3 according to L. Menicanti. Materials and methods. The retrospective one-center study included 72 patients with left and right ventricular aneurysms of the second and third types according to the classification of L. Menicanti and an extremely reduced ejection fraction (less than 30%). The observation period was up to 33 months. The study included 61 (84%) men and 11 (16%) women, whose average age at the time of surgery was 58.2±9.2 years. All patients underwent LV reconstruction under CPB. Patients independently filled in the questionnaire before surgery. Repeated questionnaires were conducted no earlier than a year after the operation, in order to exc-lude the influence of possible complications associated with surgical access on the physical and mental health components. QOL was assessed using a standard SF-36 questionnaire. Results. According to the analysis, it was found that during the observation period of up to 33 months in patients, the "physical functioning" parameter is significantly lower than the initial value ( p =0.001). Also at a fairly high level the value of the indicator "body pain" is maintained, which is higher than the initial value ( p =0.001). According to other indicators, in patients with a low ejection fraction after reconstruction of the LV, an improvement in the QOL parameters was revealed. The mental and physical health of patients after reconstruction of the LV is significantly higher than the values before surgery. Results. Reconstruction of the LV in patients with LV aneurysm of type 2 and 3 according to L. Menicanti significantly improves the QOL of patients in such parameters as role-playing activity, general health, vitality, social functioning, emotional condition and mental health. A decrease in the indexed value of stroke volume of less than 23% is a predictor of a decrease in both physical and mental components of health.


Vladlen Bazylev

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery

Email: cardio-penza@yandex.ru
д-р мед. наук, глав. врач Penza, Russia

Dmitrij Tungusov

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery

Email: dtungusov@hotmail.com
Cand. Sci. (Med.) Penza, Russia

Artur Mikulyak

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery

cardiovascular surgeon Penza, Russia

Il'giz Senzhapov

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery

Email: cardio-penza@yandex.ru
cardiovascular surgeon Penza, Russia


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