The influence of trimetazidine on recovery of functional and mental capacity in patients undergoing II stage of cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting




Object - to evaluate effect of trimetazidine on functional and mental capacity in patients undergoing II stage of cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting. Material and methods. 125 patients referred for cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting were divided in two groups. Patients of control group received pharmacotherapy according to current guidelines on secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Active treatment group patients (n=30) received trimetazidine 35 mg bis in day additionally. Functional capacity was assessed by six-minute walk test. Mental capacity was evaluated by psychomotor performance express-test of M.P.Moroz. Results. Majority of patients had reduced functional and mental capacity on admission. Performing of cardiac rehabilitation program comes with increase in six-minute walk test distance and psychomotor performance test scores in both groups. An increase in six-minute walk test distance and psychomotor performance test scores in active treatment group was significantly greater than in control group. Conclusion. Trimetazidine therapy improves both functional and mental capacity in patients undergoing II stage of cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting.


P. Alexandrov

Heart Medicine Centre “Chernaya rechka”

зав. отд-нием кардиологии ЦСМ «Черная речка». 197729, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, pos. Molodezhnoye, Primorskoe sh., d. 648

N. Perepech

Saint Petersburg State University

д-р мед. наук, проф., рук. научно-клинического и образовательного центра «Кардиология» Института высоких медицинских технологий ФГБОУ ВО СПбГУ 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab., d. 7/9


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