Quality of life after surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation




Aim - to evaluate quality of life (QOL) of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) after surgical treatment of arrhythmia during open heart surgery. Materials and methods. The retrospective single-center randomized study involved 71 patients whose QOL was analyzed after the Cox-Maze IV surgery and mitral valve correction. The follow-up period was from 6 months to 6 years. The study included 35 (49%) women and 36 (51%) men, whose average age was 61±12.3 at the time of surgical treatment. AF duration was 47.6±22.3 months. The left atrium was dilated to 60.9±10.5 mm. Functional class II of heart failure (NYHA) included 25 patients (35%), functional class III - 46 patients (65%). The control group included 48 patients with AF who had not got the ‘labyrinth’ procedure performed during the surgical treatment. There were no statistically significant differences between the main clinical and demographic characteristics in reference to the groups. All patients had a long-term persistent AF. The SF-36 questionnaire was used for studying QOL. Results. 47 (66%) patients in the experimental group kept a sinus rhythm within 6 years. The patients of the RFA-group had a higher rate of vitality (NBS VT 54.5±8.2, p=0.03, SBS VT 54.1±8.5, p=0.001) and social functioning (SBS SF 45.0±10.2, p=0.001), with regard to other scales there were no statistically significant differences. The presence of AF after surgical treatment increased the probability of a low QOL in the long term. Conclusions. QOL after surgical treatment of mitral valve disease and AF is significantly higher with regard to vitality and social functioning. The physical component of health is significantly reduced as compared with that in the general population, but the characteristics of QOL in accordance with other scales approach the general indices. The presence of AF after surgical treatment increases the probability of a lower QOL in the long term.


V. Bazylev

Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, глав. врач 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6

E. Nemchenko

Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, зав. кардиохирургическим отд-нием №1 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6

G. Abramova

Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: galana2004@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, врач-кардиолог 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6

V. Karnakhin

Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

врач - сердечно-сосудистый хирург 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6


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