On pathoautokinesis of hyperlipoproteidemia and its clinical significance





The aim: to detect the presence of pathoautokinesis signs in development and maintenance of hyperlipoproteidemia (HLP) in experiments on intact rabbits and the rabbits after long-term intravenous injection of lipoproteids (LP).Material and methods. 3 series of experiments on rabbits which received for 60 days intravenous homologous apo-Bcontaining LP (25–30 mg LP per 1 kg of the body mass) were carried out. Correspondence of calculated and true values of injected LP, duration of HLP maintenance after LP injection termination and the body response to single injection of interlipin as well as character of elimination with J 131 apo-B-LP from blood alteration of the liver homogenates have been studied.Results. It has been shown that in 50% of rabbits with experimental HLP, the true values of intravenously injected LP were higher than calculated ones. In rabbits after LP injection termination HLP arisen lasts for 30–40 days and intralipid injection induces prolonged HLP. The values of radioactivity of plasma LP in HLP testify to their difficult elimination from blood and their accumulation in the liver.Conclusion. Mechanisms of pathoautokinesis are present in HLP development and maintenance.


M. Kalinkin

Tver State Medical Academy

д-р мед. наук, проф., ректор ГБОУ ВПО ТГМА

V. Volkov

Tver State Medical Academy

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. госпитальной терапии и профессиональных заболеваний, засл. деят. науки Российской Федерации


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