D.D.Pletnev about mental symptoms in the picture of purely somatic diseases: lessons of history and today





The article is dedicated to brief statement of priority scientific investigations of the distinguished domestic therapist, Professor Dmitry Dmitriyevich Pletnev, having made significant contribution into development of clinical direction of psychosomatic medicine in Russia. At the level of diagnostic and conclusive possibilities of his time in the beginning of the XXth century, the scientist has grounded those scientific positions which currently are broadly studied in the aspect of co-morbidity of cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders of anxiety-depressive spectrum. D.D.Pletnev, one of the first clinicians-therapists has paid attention to difficulties of differential-diagnostic evaluation of state of somatic patients with psycho-emotional disturbances «depressive affects and neurosis of anxiety». Many papers of the scientist dedicated to study of «mental symptoms in picture of purely somatic diseases», what in the modern medicine is interpreted as various manifestations of neurotic and affective disorders in diseases of inner organs, wrongly forgotten, remain relevant at present as well. As perspective scientific directions, questions of integrative approach to study of interrelationship of pathology of cardiovascular system, anxiety and depressive disorders of neurotic and affective level are discussed.


N. Garganeeva

SBEI HPE Siberian State Medical University Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation, Tomsk

Email: garganeyeva@mail.tomsknet.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. поликлинической терапии


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