How the results and pattern of treatment have recently changed in patients with acute myocardial infarction (according to the data of two Saint-Petersburg hospitals)





The results and pattern of therapy were analyzed in 772 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) who were treated at two Saint Petersburg hospitals in 1998 to 2007. A follow-up indicated that drug treatment quality and therapy adherence improved a year after AMI, resulting in a significant reduction in sudden cardiac death rates. At the same time, inadequate primary myocardial reperfusion and myocardial revascularization failed to significantly reduce mortality from chronic heart failure and incidence of myocardial reinfarction. Key words: acute myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, myocardial reinfarction, guidelines for the management of myocardial infarction, drug therapy adherence.


S. Bolduyeva

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology

E. Bykova

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology

I. Leonova

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology

N. Trostyanetskaya

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology

I. Yarmosh

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology

N. Tretyakova

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology

A. Nesterko

I.I. Mechnikov Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy

Department of Faculty Therapy with a Course of Interventional Cardiology


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