Comparative analysis of the efficiency of the selective b-blocker nebivolol and the angiotensin II receptor blocker valsartan in men with hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and erectile dysfunction

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Objective: to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy and effect of nebivolol and valsartan on metabolic parameters and erective function in patients with hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and erectile dysfunction. Subjects and methods. A 12-week randomized, blind, controlled, parallel-group, comparative (nebivolol versus valsartan) trial enrolled 40 patients with hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and erectile dysfunction. Results. There were no significant differences between the drugs in their antihypertensive efficiency. Nebivolol exerted a more pronounced positive effect on cardioand angioprotection and lipid and carbohydrate metabolic parameters. It had no negative effect on metabolic parameters. Therapy with nebivolol versus valsartan produced a pronounced positive effect on blood androgen levels and erectile function. Moreover, the quality-of-life indicators also showed a significant improvement in the nebivolol group. Evaluation of the tolerability and adverse reactions of the drugs demonstrated no side effects in both groups.

About the authors

S. V Nedogoda

The Volgograd State Medical University

д-р мед. наук, проф., проректор по лечебной работе ГБУЗ ВПО ВолгГМУ, зав. каф. терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ ВолгГМУ

A. S Salasyuk

The Volgograd State Medical University

аспирант, ассистент каф. терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ ВолгГМУ

I. N Barykina

The Volgograd State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф. терапии и эндокринологии ФУВ ВолгГМУ.

A. A Ledyaeva

The Volgograd State Medical University


V. V Tsoma

The Volgograd State Medical University

E. V Chumachek

The Volgograd State Medical University



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