Effektivnost' primeneniya preparata«Magnerot®» pri proyavleniyakh sindromasosudistykh narusheniy i gemorragicheskogosindroma u bol'nykh s idiopaticheskimprolapsom mitral'nogo klapana

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Summary. Aim. To evaluate the efficiency of placebo-controlled magnerot use on vascular and hemorrhagic manifestations
in patients with idiopathic mitral valve prolapse (MVP).
Subjects and methods. Seventy-four patients (31,7% males and 68,3% women) with idiopathic MVP were examined
during a single-blind placebo-controlled study. They were randomized into 2 groups: 1) magnerot (a study group)
and 2) placebo (a control group). The mean age of the study group patients was 30,80,4 years. The placebo group
was matched by age (mean age 31,10,2) and gender. There was a female preponderance among the examinees in
both groups. The study group patients received MagnerotR tablets containing 500 mg of Mg orotate (32,8 Mg of elementary
Mg) in a daily dose of 3000 mg (196,8 mg of elementary Mg) for 6 months. All the patients underwent
comprehensive examination before and 6 months after the study.
Results. A clinical significant reduction in the degree of vascular disorders was noted in 71,3% of the patients with MVP.
The incidence of vascular disorders remained virtually unchanged in the study group. Vascular disorders were significantly
alleviated after the therapy. If before the therapy, mild, moderate, and severe vascular disorders were diagnosed
in 30,2, 55,9, and 13,9% of cases, respectively; whereas after the therapy these were absent in 16,3% of cases; the patients
with mild vascular disorders increased by 2,5-fold and their severe form was undetected. The clinical effect of
the therapy on the severity of hemorrhagic syndrome was observed in 81,4% of patients (75% males and 89,5% females)
and the therapeutic efficiency that very frequently corresponded to clinical improvement was seen in 2,3%.
Conclusion. The effect of magnerot therapy is shown to significantly reduce the incidence and degree of vascular
disorders and hemorrhagic syndrome and their clinical picture as a whole.

About the authors

Evgeniya Vladimirovna Akatova

Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет

Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет

Olesya Petrovna Nikolin

Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет

Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет

Anatoliy Ivanovich Martynov

Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет

Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет


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