



论证。目前足趾显微外科自体移植仍然是修复出生后或外伤后缺失手指的最有前途和最实用的方法。 在需要修复2个或更多足趾的情况下,同时移植双脚的组织复合物(包括1个或2个足趾)是可能的,也是必要的。因此,在一次手术过程中最多可以重建手部的4个手指。根据文献记载,这种手术很少进行,因为手术非常耗费人力和时间。



结果。在修复显微外科和手外科进行的914例儿童手部足趾自体移植手术中, 9例进行了4个足趾 (每个脚两个)的单阶段移植。患者的平均年龄为4.2岁。两名患儿的手部有先天性畸形,7名患儿的手部有外伤。8例手部II~V指修复,1例手部I~IV指修复。22%的移植物出现了与循环障碍相关的并发症,但这些并发症都是暂时的。所有移植的移植物都存活了下来。所有患者在手指移植后都需要继续接受手术治疗,以改善外观和功能。生物力学检查方法显示,他们在术后平均4个月(±1个月)就完全恢复了功能。



Sergey I. Golyana

Turner Scientific Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics

Email: ser.golyana@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1319-8979
SPIN 代码: 8360-8078

Dr. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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2. Fig. 1. Photo (a, b) and X-ray (c) images of the child’s right hand during hospitalization at the Turner Scientific Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics (before the start of surgical treatment) (RUS)

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3. Fig. 2. Appearance immediately after transplanting the toes from both feet into the position of fingers II–V of the right hand (RUS)

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4. Fig. 3. Photo of the hands after the completion of multistage surgical treatment (RUS)

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5. Fig. 4. Functional result of the hand after the restoration of four fingers: a — ability to bend the restored fingers into a fist; b, c — gripping capabilities of the right hand (RUS)

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6. Fig. 5. Patient’s manual skills (RUS)

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7. Fig. 6. One of the girls’ hobbies is modeling figures from plasticine (RUS)

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8. Fig. 7. Child playing sports

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9. Fig. 8. Condition of the right hand of a 3-year-old child with a complication of injury: a — view of the hand from the dorsal surface; b — view from the palmar surface; c — schematic of the hand before surgery (RUS)

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10. Fig. 9. Marking of incisions on the hand during surgical treatment: a — view of the marking from the dorsal surface; b — view from the palmar surface (RUS)

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11. Fig. 10. Stages of mobilization of toe II–III block autograft of the left foot with simultaneous separation of toes II and III on a common vascular pedicle: a — appearance of the feet before surgery; b — isolated (vascular) pedicle of toe II–III block autograft; c — toes II and III of the left foot after their separation (RUS)

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12. Fig. 11. Schemes of the step-by-step separation of toes II and III of the left foot into two autografts with a common vascular pedicle: a — scheme of the incisions on the foot; b — scheme of the incisions between toes II–III of the autograft block; c, scheme of the arterial source of autograft block (1 — dorsal artery of the foot; 2 — dorsal metatarsal artery; 3 — first plantar metatarsal artery; 4, second plantar metatarsal artery; 5 — third plantar metatarsal artery; 6 — fragment of the plantar arterial arch); d — scheme of the stage of the second plantar metatarsal artery branch intersection, namely, digital artery of finger II (7 — place of intersection); e — scheme of the separation of the autograft-block’s toes (1 — dorsal artery of the foot; 2 — dorsal metatarsal artery; 3 — first plantar metatarsal artery; 4, second plantar metatarsal artery; 5 — third plantar metatarsal artery; 6 — fragment plantar arterial arch; 8 — site of ligation (coagulation) of the digital artery of toe II); f — scheme of the venous source of the autograft block of toes II–III (9 — great saphenous vein of the foot; 10 — branches of the great saphenous vein to the toes of the autograft block); g — scheme of the separation of the autograft block’s veins (11 — site of ligation of the venous branches between toes II–III) (RUS)

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13. Fig. 12. Appearance of the hand immediately after the restoration of fingers I–IV of the right hand in a 3-year-old child, with complications of injury, using autotransplantation of two finger II–III autograft blocks of both feet with simultaneous separation of the toes in one autograft: a — view from the hand dorsum; b — view from palmar surface of the hand; c — view from the radial surface of the hand; d, scheme of the autograft location on the hand; e — scheme of the location and anastomosis of the autograft’s arteries (1 — dorsal foot artery; 2 — dorsal metatarsal artery; 3 — first plantar metatarsal artery; 4 — second plantar metatarsal artery; 5 — third plantar metatarsal artery; 6 — fragment of the plantar arterial arch; 12 — proximal fragment of the dissected radial artery; 13 — distal fragment of the dissected radial artery) (RUS)

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14. Fig. 13. Plantogram of the feet of a 4-year-old patient: 1 year after the operation of bilateral taking of toe II–III block. (Despite noticeable changes in the imprint’s anatomical shape of the operated feet, no difference was found in the width of their anterior parts. Foot function was not impaired, and the load distribution on both feet was even) (RUS)

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15. Fig. 14. Computer statokinesiogram of the patient after toe-to-hand transfer from the right foot. Reducing the eccentricity of the center-of-pressure (CoP) deviation from an ellipse with open eyes to a circle with closed eyes. Left: projection of the child’s real CoP relative to the average normative position of the CoP; right, graphical representation of the real statokinessiogram

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