Comparative analysis of the dynamics of the duration of the surgery and hematological indicators of blood loss after osteotomy of the ilium and acetabuloplasty in treatment of children with spina bifida





Introduction. Spina bifida is a severe malformation of the spine and spinal cord. Pathology of the hip joint in children with spina bifida has always been one of the most challenging pediatric orthopedic problems.

Purpose of the study. The aim of this study is to perform a comparative analysis of the duration of operations and hematological indicators of blood loss after performing osteotomy of the ilium and acetabuloplasty to treat children with herniated disc consequences in the presence of hip subluxation and dislocation. It also seeks to determine the safest surgical intervention.

Materials and methods. We observed and treated 60 patients aged 3–8 years with spina bifida with subluxation and dislocation of the hip. Patients were subdivided into two groups of 30 patients each, differing in the technique of performing the intervention on the pelvic component of the joint. The first group is represented by patients who underwent osteotomy of the ilium (52 joints) aimed to stabilize the hip joint. The second group comprised children who underwent acetabuloplasty (55 joints), another variant of intervention on the pelvic component of the joint.

Results. As our study shows, performing osteotomy of the ilium required significantly more time than acetabuloplasty (p = 0.0088 (p < 0.05)). In addition, performing osteotomy of the ilium was accompanied by a more pronounced decrease in the level of both hemoglobin and the number of blood erythrocytes than when performing acetabuloplasty.

Conclusion. Our study demonstrates that osteotomy of the ilium requires more time for its implementation. It is accompanied by a more pronounced decrease in hemoglobin and blood erythrocytes than acetabuloplasty. Therefore, we can conclude that acetabuloplasty is preferable in cases where the expected clinical result and the required degree of correction are comparable.


Stanislav Ivanov

H. Turner National Medical Research Center for Children’s Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2187-3973

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the department of cerebral palsy and Spina bifida center

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Vladimir Kenis

H. Turner National Medical Research Center for Children’s Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7651-8485

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director for development and international relations

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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