Comparative analysis of using balanced and normal saline solutions as an intraoperative therapy in newborns





The purpose of the study was to compare the values of acid base balance, electrolytic and hemodynamic parameters in newborns depending on the composition of intraoperative infusion therapy. The study was done in 60 newborns who were given Staerofundin ISO basic infusion (10 ml/kg/hour) in group I (n=31) and normal saline solution in group II (n=29) during a surgery.

Results: following the surgery, no differences in pH values were observed between the groups, moderate metabolic disturbances were found. In Group II, levels of bicarbonates decreased from 22.2 to 20.5 (р=0.047). By the end of the surgery, normal electrolyte composition was found more frequently in group I (29%) as compared to group II (20%). Hypopotassemia (34.5% and 22.6%), hyperpotassemia (44.8% and 25.8%) and hyperchloremia (63% and 51.7%) were found more frequently in group II as compared to group I, respectively. To achieve the target level of blood pressure, the bolus was injected to 29% (n=9) of children from group I and 17.2% (n=5) of children from group II. Adrenergic agonists were used in 42% of children from group I and 27.6% of children from group II (р=0,038). There were no differences between the cumulative doses.

Conclusion. Sterofundin and normal saline solution demonstrated equivalent values of effectiveness and produced similar effect on the values of acid base balance, electrolytic and hemodynamic parameters during the intraoperative period in newborns.


Marianna Nasser

Saratov Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital


Doctor of the department of pediatric anesthesiology and intensive care

Volskaya 6, Saratov, Russia, 410028; phone: +7(927)152–60–52


Yurii Kucherov

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; G. N. Speransky Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital


Dr. Sci (Med), Professor of the department of pediatric surgery, RNRMU; branch manager of the department of emergency surgery of G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9

Shmitovsky av. 29, Moscow, Russia, 123317; phone: +7(985)774–41–46


Yuliya Zhirkova

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; G. N. Speransky Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital


Dr. Sci (Med), Professor of the department of pediatric anesthesiology and intensive therapy RNRMU; doctor-anesthesiologist of the department of emergency surgery of G. N. Speransky City Children’s Hospital № 9

Shmitovsky av. 29, Moscow, Russia, 123317; phone: +7(905)505–54–72



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