


The authors aim to consider a clinical case of treatment of a newborn baby with gastroschisis by staged immersion of intestinal loops and anterior abdominal wall plasty. A defect of the anterior abdominal wall was detected by ultrasound scan at 15 weeks gestation of a baby born at 33 weeks gestation (the Apgar score is 6–7, weight is 2,000 g). The child had a surgery 5 hours after the birth. After revision of the retained organs a pronounced visceral and abdominal disproportion was found. It was decided in favor of two-stage procedure of gastroschisis. A silicon bag with an elastic fixing ring hermetically placed under the abdominal wall was used during silo placement. It is an alternative to original bags for silo placement. At day 9 after the surgery (immersion of intestinal loops) the plasty of the anterior abdominal wall was done. As a result, the patient recovered and was transferred from the neonatal resuscitation department when he was 36 days old. By describing the advantages of the technique, the authors suggest it should replace other types of silo replacement which are widely used in our country.


I. Shidakov

Republican Perinatal Center


SHIDAKOV Islam Huseinovich – Pediatric surgeon, RSB MPI «Republican Perinatal Center»

369000, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk, Griboyedova, 77 


B. Kalniyazov

Republican Perinatal Center


KALNIYAZOV Bakhtiyar Maksetovich – Pediatric surgeon, RSB MPI «Republican Perinatal Center», Department of Intensive care for newborns

369000, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Cherkessk, Griboyedova, 77 



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