



The results of the analysis step of care to children, victims of the terrorist act in Beslan are presented. The basis of the success of medical interventions in large-scale terrorist attack (more than 1000 hostages) was proper planning, the All Russian Center for Disaster Medicine «Protection» (RCDM), using the methods of military surgery during triage and determination of rational volume of care at all stages and emergency evacuation. In the first day of medical assistance was provided to 300 children, 146 of them were evacuated to hospitals in Moscow and Rostov. Died 10 children. Effectiveness of medical evacuation support was provided through the interaction of all the medical services of the Ministry of Health of Russia and North Ossetia with the Russian Emergencies Ministry, the Ministry of Defence as well as the experience of pediatric brigade of RCDM in local armed conflicts.


V. Rozinov

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: rozinov@inbox.ru

V. Petlakh

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: vladimirip@vcmk.ru

D. Ivanov

Children's Clinical Hospital № 9 G.N. Speransky

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

V. Shabanov

All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine «Protection»

Email: noemail@neicon.ru


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