
Problems of Development of Nonstandard Employment in Rural Areas of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
Kalinina I., Solovchenkov S.
Diversification of regional economic structure as growth strategy: Pros and cons
Mikheeva N.
Work commuting of the population in the Moscow agglomeration: Estimating commuting flows using mobile operator data
Makhrova A., Kirillov P., Bochkarev A.
Migration of Rural Youth in Altai Krai As an Agrarian Region
Sergienko A., Snegireva O.
Russian agricultural resources and the geography of their use in import-substitution conditions
Nefedova T.
Shadow Economy in the Countryside of Russian Regions
Kireenko A., Nevzorova E.
Structural and economic typology of large Russian cities
Limonov L., Nesena M.
Old-Developed Regions of the Russian Center in the Shadow of the Moscow Capital Region
Nefedova T.
Comparative analysis of labor productivity in Russian regions
Mikheeva N.
Labor markets and the role of otkhodnichestvo in the employment of rural inhabitants of Russia’s Non-Chernozem Zone
Averkieva K.
Strategic challenges of the development of agriculture in Russia
Averkieva K., Dan’shin A., Zemlyanskii D., Lamanov S.
Twenty-five years of Russia’s post-Soviet agriculture: Geographical trends and contradictions
Nefedova T.
1 - 12 из 12 результатов
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