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Том 9, № 3 (2019)


Origin of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Embryonic Development

Domaratskaya E., Payushina O.


Bone marrow is the main hematopoietic organ of mature mammals. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are maintained in it throughout an organism’s whole life; it also regulates the production of mature blood cells. Adult HSCs are characterized by polypotency, self-renewal, and a specific phenotype, as well as by the ability to direct migration to the hematopoietic organs. The ability of the HSCs to restore hematopoiesis after transplantation into another organism is the main functional criterion for their existence in tissue. However, HSCs, which function in postnatal ontogenesis and possess these properties, represent the final stage of maturation of their precursors (pre-HSCs), which arise in prenatal development. In embryogenesis, hematopoiesis occurs in several transitional blood-forming organs: the yolk sac, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM), placenta, and liver. Despite the long history of research on hematopoietic system ontogenesis, the anatomical site of the origination of the first pre-HSCs, which give rise to the definitive HSC line, is still not entirely clear. The review summarizes modern concepts of the features of the hematopoietic cells formed in the yolk sac, AGM, and placenta, and their contribution to embryonic liver colonization and in definitive hematopoiesis. Further study of the mechanisms of HSC formation in embryogenesis is of undoubted importance, not only for an understanding of the fundamental aspects of hematopoietic system functioning but also for improvement in treatment methods for hematological diseases.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):191-202
pages 191-202 views

Group-Theoretical Analysis of Symmetry Transformations on the Example of Some Aquatic Organisms

Gelashvili D., Chuprunov E., Somov N., Marychev M., Nizhegorodtsev A., Markelov I., Yakimov V.


Abstract—Group-theoretical analysis of the pseudosymmetry of two-dimensional images of aquatic organisms of the classes Conjugatophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Acantharia, and Asteroidea and the symmetry transformations in the ontogeny of echinoderms has been performed for the first time in the original BioPsLeaf and BioPsFlower software, and the results of the analysis are presented below. Published materials, including graphic illustrations from Haeckel’s book Künstformen der Natur were the sources of the two-dimensional images of aquatic organisms used in the study. The choice of aquatic organisms was largely determined by the Curie principle, which imposes restrictions on the symmetry groups of living organisms with consideration of the specific habitat. Analysis of the organisms from the considered classes showed that the invariance (symmetry) of a biological object that can be roughly described by the Cnv group of operations of the Schoenflies system could be generally characterized by two numerical parameters, i.e., the minimum values of the degrees of pseudosymmetry both among all of its local maxima for turn operations (ηr) and mirror reflections (ηb). Analysis of Asterina amurensis as an example showed that the complete starfish metamorphosis could be represented by symmetry transformations in the form of the following series:                                                                         С4vС2vCsC5v, which reflects the natural transition from rotational symmetry to bilateral and again to the rotational due to the biological characteristics of the organism at different stages of development. This series is consistent with the Curie principle: a system under external influence changes its point symmetry in such a way that only the symmetry operations in common with the symmetry operations of the influence are preserved. It is emphasized that exactly the group theory enables the characterization of an object’s invariance with respect to spatial transformations—in other words, its symmetry. In turn, the identification of invariants as a certain class of objects makes it possible to determine their structural basis and thus can help to find the invariable in the variable.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):203-214
pages 203-214 views

M.S. Ghilarov’s Principle, or Biomass Equivalence Rule, as a Conservation Law in Ecology

Polishchuk L.


Abstract—It may seem surprising that there are conservation laws in ecology as in physics, although these laws are less accurate than in physics and hold only on average, i.e., on large spatial scales (macroecology). One such law is the biomass equivalence rule, which was proposed by Sheldon et al. and later confirmed by Tseitlin and others. According to this rule, the biomass of marine pelagic organisms remains approximately equal in equal intervals of log-transformed body- size spanning the range from bacteria to whales. However, as noted by Tseitlin, long before the work of Sheldon et al. a similar pattern was discovered by M.S. Ghilarov for soil organisms. In his paper of 1944, Ghilarov unequivocally wrote: “The ‘biomass’ of soil organisms of different natural body-size groups is approximately of the same order of magnitude: the product of the number of organisms belonging to a given size group times their linear size cubed varies very little.” Here, I show that Ghilarov’s “natural” body-size groups in the range from bacteria to myriapods and insects occupy approximately equal size intervals on a logarithmic scale. It turns out that equal logarithmic intervals of body-size contain approximately equal biomasses for both soil and pelagic organisms. The priority of the discovery of this rule belongs to Ghilarov. After Tseitlin, I propose to call it Ghilarov’s principle. Furthermore, I suggest that Ghilarov’s principle holds not only for soil and pelagic organisms but also for other organisms inhabiting sufficiently homogeneous and extended habitats.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):215-229
pages 215-229 views

Speciation in Allopatric Species of the Hamster Subfamily Cricetinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae)

Feoktistova N., Kropotkina M., Potashnikova E., Gureeva A., Kuznetsova E., Surov A.


Abstract—According to the Dobzhansky–Muller model (Dobzhansky, 1937; Muller, 1942), in the absence of gene flow, conspecific populations can become reproductively isolated, and postzygotic isolation should increase proportionally to the square of divergence time. On the example of four pairs of allopatric species of the subfamily Cricetinae, which is characterized by different levels of divergence, the extent of the formation of reproductive barriers was established by behavioral and physiological methods. The potential prezygotic isolation was assessed by the results of behavioral experiments where female olfactory stimuli were exposed to males. A crossbreeding analysis was performed to detect postzygotic isolation. The divergence time was determined by molecular genetic methods. It was shown that complete reproductive isolation formed in a pair of allopatric species of the genus Phodopus (P. roborovskii and P. sungorus) approximately for 5 million years. The sterility of F1 males and conspecific preferences with slight differences in chromosome morphology formed in hamsters (P. sungorus and P. campbelli) in course of 0.8–1.0 million years. In the pair of species belonging to the genus Allocricetulus, which diverged only 0.3–0.4 million years ago, postzygotic isolation mechanisms and conspecific preferences for a number of traits have already partially formed on the background of differences in the structure and number of chromosomes, although in laboratory conditions it is possible to obtain fertile hybrids (F1 and F2). In the species (chromosomal forms) of the superspecies Cricetullus barabensis sensu lato, which diverged later than the pair of species of the genus Allocricetulus (0.16–0.2 million years ago), the reproductive barriers are less pronounced. Thus, the example of the closely related species of Cricetinae shows that reproductive barriers can develop in allopatry and are more pronounced in species that remain isolated for a longer time. Prezygotic barriers in allopatry can develop as rapidly as postzygotic ones, which makes the mechanism of “reinforcement,” proposed by F.G. Dobzhansky, not so relevant (in case of secondary contact zones).

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):230-242
pages 230-242 views

Identification of the Type of Population Dynamics of the Green Oak Tortrix with a Generalized Discrete Logistic Model

Nedorezov L.


Abstract—This paper deals with the identification of the type of population dynamics of the green oak tortrix (Tortrix viridana L.) by the available time series with a generalized discrete logistic model. The results of estimates of model parameters obtained by the ordinary least squares (OLS) method and model parameters obtained by the method of extreme points (MEP) are compared. It is assumed that the model adequately describes the population dynamics if and only if the deviations of the theoretical (model) data from the empirical data meet a number of statistical tests. It is shown that the model using OLS estimates does not provide adequate fitting of time series and the type of population dynamics cannot be identified. Analysis of four variants of MEP estimates shows that the observed regime of the population dynamics is not cyclic (if the length of the cycle is less than 15 000 years); in addition, a rapid decrease in the values of the autocorrelation function, followed by their fluctuation in a narrow range, is observed for all regimes.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):243-249
pages 243-249 views

The Effect of Desalination on the Growth, Coenosarc Pulsations, and Hydroplasm Movement in the Colonial Hydroid Dynamena pumila (L., 1758)

Dementyev V., Marfenin N.


The article describes the assessment of the primary (i.e., occurring before the onset of adaptation) reaction of coenosarc pulsations in the colonial hydroid Dynamena pumila (L., 1758) to decreased salinity and the associated changes in the growth and functioning of the distribution system. Time-lapse video microscopy has been used to register coenosarc pulsations of D. pumila stolons and stems in seawater with a salinity of 26‰ (control) and in seawater serially diluted to 20, 15, and 10‰. Video microscopy of colony coenosarc pulsations made it possible to monitor the colony’s reaction to salinity changes within approximately 2 h. D. pumila colonies did not show any distress in a salinity range of 26 to 20‰ at a temperature of 14°C, and the growth increment of stolons and stems, both in 1 h and in one pulsation, was the greatest under these conditions. The increment per pulsation by decreased 1.5 times at 15‰. Signs of stress, such as the cessation of stolon growth and a significant deceleration in stem growth, were observed at a salinity of 10‰. The period of growth pulsations of stem tips and stolons was doubled at 10‰. The reactions of the growth pulsation amplitude of the stolons and stems at 10‰ were different: the amplitude did not change in the stems but decreased by approximately ten times in the stolons. The resting phase of lateral pulsations and hydroplasm flows in both stems and stolons increased with decreasing salinity, which may be indicative of a decrease in propulsatory activity. Dissimilar changes in the rate of hydroplasm movement in the coenosarc module closest to the growth tip occurred in the stems and stolons: it decreased slightly in the stolons and significantly in the shoots.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):250-266
pages 250-266 views

Hybridization in Mosses and How Remote It Could Be

Kuznetsova O., Ignatova E., Ignatov M.


The paper presents a literature review of the published data on hybridization in mosses. Interspecies hybridization in mosses can be observed only in sporophytes and therefore is recognizable by morphology only when sporophyte structure in parent species is contrastingly different. A hybrid (or recombinant) character of gametophytes can be nowadays detected with genetic markers. Although the overall number of studied hybrids is not that large, the observed proportion of intersectional, intergeneric, and even interfamily hybrids indicates a more widespread occurrence of remote hybridization in mosses as compared to vascular plants.

Biology Bulletin Reviews. 2019;9(3):267-273
pages 267-273 views

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