Dendrochronological analysis of conifers in avalanche catchments of the Northwestern Altai (Korgon River basin)



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The purpose of the study was to date the powerful snow avalanches occurred in the avalanche catchment area in the river Korgon basin (Northwestern Altai) by the dendrochronological method. The paper presents the results of the analysis of a number of dendrochronological indicators of avalanches: the age of trees, the relation between widths of annual rings from opposite sides of the trunk, the presence of reactive (compressional) wood and traumatic resin canals, the dates of death and formation of wounds in trees, the presence of clearing effects (a sharp increase in growth) in three avalanche catchments, as well as a complex dendrochronological index of the avalanche activity. The dates of releases of the powerful avalanches were established down to 1570. It has been found that against the background of increasing amount of winter precipitation in these catchments, there are different trends in occurrence of the avalanches, which is determined by their morphological properties. In the avalanche areas with steeper slopes, due to repeated unloading of the avalanche centers in winter, the probability of releasing of powerful avalanches decreases. For the same reason, the powerful avalanches do not release during the years of maximum snow accumulation. The trends in the avalanche activity in the region under consideration had been obtained for the first time. The dendrochronological index of the avalanche activity, which is the ratio of the number of the tree growth failures to the number of the examined trees, is a good indicator of a release of a powerful avalanche even at a value of 0.85, provided that the number of examined trees in the lower part of the transit zone and in the zone of accumulation is 25–35 units. The results of this study may be used to predict the territorial differentiation of changes in the avalanche activity due to climate change. In connection with the recreational development of the Altai territory, they may also be of practical importance.

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Sobre autores

N. Bykov

Water and Environmental Problems Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Rússia, Barnaul

N. Rygalova

Water and Environmental Problems Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Rússia, Barnaul

A. Shigimaga

Water and Environmental Problems Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Rússia, Barnaul


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Signs of avalanche activity: a — death of trees on the periphery of avalanche accumulation zone 3 (photo 2022); б — wounds on tree trunks caused by an avalanche; в — dead trees in the avalanche accumulation zone 1 (photo 2022); г — traumatic resin passages in fir (photo from (Benkova, Schweingruber, 2004)); д — avalanche combing, avalanche collection 1; е — example of a sharp increase in the radial growth of a tree (lightening effect) in avalanche collection.

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3. Fig. 2. Places of collection of dendrochronological samples in avalanche collections of the river basin Korgon (Northwestern Altai): 1 — avalanche center; 2 — transit zone; 3 — accumulation zone; 4 — places for sampling dendrochronological samples.

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4. Fig. 3. The distribution of the thickness and water content of snow cover by height in the basin of the river Korgon according to field measurements: a — snow cover water reserve in March 1987; б — thickness of snow cover in March 1987; в — snow cover water reserve in February 1988; г — snow cover thickness in February 1988.

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5. Fig. 4. The position of the lower edge of the avalanche snowfield in the studied avalanche collections of the river basin Korgon in the month of May according to Sentinel satellites. Designations on the diagram: 1, 2, 3 are the numbers of the studied avalanches (see Fig. 2), 4 — atmospheric precipitation for October–April.

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6. Fig. 5. The ratio of the number of cases of violation of the radial growth of trees in the avalanche basin of the river Korgon is one of the studied trees. Designations on the diagram: 1 — avalanche collection 1; 2 — avalanche collection 2; 3 — avalanche gathering 3; 4 — atmospheric precipitation for October–April. The dotted line indicates the level of the dendrochronological index of avalanche activity equal to 0.85. The location of avalanches is shown in Fig. 1.

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7. Fig. 6. Changes in the dendrochronological index of avalanche activity in the river basin. Burnt Korgon according to dendrochronological data (columns) and the number of studied trees (line). The dotted line indicates the minimum index value (0.85), at which in the period 2017–2022. In the studied avalanche areas, maximum avalanches were recorded.

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