New method of examination of kinesthetic sensitivity in neurology




We present a new electrophysiological method of registration of kinesthetic evoked potentials (KEP) to passive radiocarpal articulation flexion for 50° with angular acceleration of 350 rad/s2, which is aimed at testing kinesthetic sensitivity in neurological patients. KEP changes in the kinesthetic system lesions of various types, levels, localizations and degrees are characterized by certain specificity and reproducibility; therefore, this method may be used as a valuable additional diagnostic tool. The potential of the KEP method in early diagnostics of the proprioceptive sensitivity disturbances is showed. The KEP method may be useful in fine studies of neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the diseases with abnormal proprioceptive sensitivity and motors functions.


S. Gordeev

Research Center of Neurology

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

S. Voronin

South Ural State University

俄罗斯联邦, Chelyabinsk


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