Brain-computer interface as a novel tool of neurorehabilitation




Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are invasive or non-invasive technologies allowing brain signals to be translated into commands of the external devices. Nowadays this technology is actively developing for the use in rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases. Such interfaces can serve as a means of interaction with the outside world for patients with the «lockedin » syndrome. Using BCI patients with movement disorders could control robotic prostheses, wheelchairs and other external technical devices. Interfaces with biofeedback can facilitate the reorganization of the damaged cortex. Patients with neurological disorders were found to be able to use brain-computer interface. Nevertheless, it is necessary to perform larger controlled clinical studies for the evaluation of BCI effectiveness in neurorehabilitation.



O. Mokienko

Insitute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS


L. Chernikova

Insitute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS


A. Frolov

Insitute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS



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