Effects of paradoxical sleep deprivation on behavioral reactions and ultrastructure of the brain neurons in rats




The aim of this work was morpho-functional analysis of the effect of paradoxical sleep deprivation of different duration on ultrastructure of the brain neurons, as well as on rearing, grooming, sexual activity and food and water consumption. It was revealed that, in early terms (36–48 hours) of the paradoxical sleep deprivation, the neuronal reparative changes were accompanied by intensification of all behavioral reactions. Under 60- hours paradoxical sleep deprivation, reparative processes in neurons were slightly reduced, while dystrophic changes covered a large number of neurons, which was accompanied by decrease in the number of main behavioral reactions.



B. Abushov

А.I. Karaev Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku)

Email: platonova@neurology.ru


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