Neurospecific peptides in the assessment of brain damage in patients with atherothrombotic stroke




Assessment of neurospecific peptides provide quantitative information about the severity of ischemic cell damage. We studied 26 patients with atherothrombotic stroke. Control group comprised 15 healthy volunteers. Each patient underwent neurological examination and CT or MRI of the brain on admission. Patients with documented or clinical evidence of nervous system tumor, brain infarction, hemorrhage, head trauma, or central nervous system infection within 3 months before admission were excluded from this study. Stroke severity was rated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. S100 and NSE assays were performed using a radioimmunoassay technique. S100 and NSE levels were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. CSF and serum S100 and NSE levels were elevated in patients with atherothrombotic stroke compared with the control group. Elevation of S100 and NSE levels in CSF and serum after ischemic stroke may be a result of combined leakage out of necrotic cells and passage through an impaired brain-blood barrier, indicating severe ischemic cell injury.



M. Maximova

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


V. Ionova

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


E. Syskina

Moscow State Medical-Stomatologic University (Moscow)


A. Shabalina

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


M. Kostyreva

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


O. Sinektutova

Moscow State Medical-Stomatologic University (Moscow)



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版权所有 © Maximova M.Y., Ionova V.G., Syskina E.N., Shabalina A.A., Kostyreva M.V., Sinektutova O.A., 2011

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