Congenital pathological tortuosity of the internal carotid artery: population screening and genetic aspects




In the present work results of screening of different variants of pathological tortuosity of internal carotids in a general children population and in a selected group of children suffering from migraine and migraine-like headache are presented. High prevalence of pathological tortuosity of internal carotids, including hemodynamically significant variants of tortuosity in both investigated groups, is noted. Data of clinical, morphological, genealogical and genetic investigations confirmed hereditary determinancy of pathological carotid tortuosity and its interrelation with hereditary syndromal pathology of connective tissue.


M. Lobov

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow


P. Kаzаnchyan

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow


S. Illarioshkin

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


A. Chechetkin

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


E. Valikov

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow


O. Sidorova

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow


T. Tarаkаnоvа

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow


M. Lotareva

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow


M. Borisova

MONIKI named after M.V. Vladimirov, Moscow



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版权所有 © Lobov M.A., Kаzаnchyan P.O., Illarioshkin S.N., Chechetkin A.O., Valikov E.A., Sidorova O.P., Tarаkаnоvа T.Y., Lotareva M.A., Borisova M.N., 2007

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