Multiple sclerosis: modern conception of pathogenesis and treatment





The current conception is that multiple sclerosis pathogenesis comprises an initial inflammatory phase, followed by a phase of demyelination and, last, a neurodegenerative phase. The mechh anisms of inflammatory reactions and axonal loss have been disscussed. The crucial role of the immune system in disease pathogenesis has important therapeutic implications. The immunological effects of glucocorticosteroids underlie the beneficial effect on multiple sclerosis relapse. Two classes of immunomodulators (interferon β, glatiramer acetate) are approved for long term treatment of multiple sclerosis. Immunosuppressive agents and immunoglobulins used in treatment have been shown to exert immunomodulatory effects. Future developments of multiple sclerosis therapy have been discussed.


I. Zavalishin

Research Center of Neurology


А. Peresedova

Research Center of Neurology



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