Psychogenic dystonia

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Psychogenic movement disorders pose a complex problem in modern neurology that requires using the interdisciplinary approach to solve a number of questions related to classification, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. The most frequent forms of psychogenic movement disorders include tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, and gait abnormality. A clinical case of a 46-yearold male patient with psychogenic movement disorder presenting as fixed hand dystonia not accompanied by pain is reported. The terminology issues related to the most accurate determination of this type of hyperkinesis, as well as clinical tests (standard motor-skill tasks, ballpoint pen writing) that allow one to identify the psychogenic nature of hyperkinesis, are discussed using the example provided. The clinical phenomenology of psychogenic dystonia is thoroughly analyzed and the differential diagnostic criteria of psychogenic and primary (idiopathic) dystonia are presented.

About the authors

Olga A. Shavlovskaya

Sechenov University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

А. I. Baidauletova

Medical Center “Neuroclinic”

Kazakhstan, Almaty


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Copyright (c) 2016 Shavlovskaya O.A., Baidauletova A.I.

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