Clinical and epidemiological study of the nervous system diseases according to screening of the open population

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Screening of the open population of men and women at the age of 35-64 years was performed. The random representative sample of the population of one of the Moscow’s districts was examined (726 people – 70.2% from the original sample). The unified criteria were used to diagnose the nervous system diseases (NSD). Not only the diseases but also the certain syndromes (headache, low-back pain etc.), which considerably influence the quality of life, were analyzed. Both mild (which do not require the medical assistance) and severe forms of disorders were taken into account. Not only recent cases of the NSD were revealed (which occurred within the last year), but also the ones which occurred in the past but were absent for the moment of screening. The prevalence of the NSD at the moment of examination was 75.8%, including peripheral nervous system diseases (56.7%), cerebrovascular diseases (45.4%), headaches (44.5%), craniocerebral injury consequences (5.9%), and paroxysmal impairment of consciousness (5.0%). The other NSD occurred more infrequently. The structure of certain classes and types of the NSD was assessed. It was shown that the found rates exceed several times the prevalence of the NSD according to official healthcare statistics. The article discusses probable reasons for that discrepancy.


About the authors

Yu. Ya. Varakin

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

G. V. Gornostaeva

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

L. S. Manvelov

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. V. Konstantinov

Russian Research Center of the Preventive Services

Russian Federation, Moscow

Z. A. Suslina

Research Center of Neurology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2012 Varakin Y.Y., Gornostaeva G.V., Manvelov L.S., Konstantinov V.V., Suslina Z.A.

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