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Volume 9, Nº 4 (2018)


Method of Processing the Measurements from Two Units of Micromechanical Gyroscopes for Solving the Orientation Problem

Liang Q., Litvinenko Y., Stepanov O.


The data processing problem in attitude and heading reference system based on two units of micromechanical gyroscopes is considered as a special class of information processing problems from two measurement sources. A novel algorithm used for processing the measurements data from two units of micromechanical gyroscopes is proposed, which can improve orientation system performance while reducing the requirements for external sensors. A mathematical error model of micromechanical gyroscopes and orientation system is given, considering the rotation of the measurement units, and the advantages of the proposed method is analyzed in comparison with other algorithms.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):233-242
pages 233-242 views

Research on Measurement Error Model of GNSS/INS Integration Based on Consistency Analysis

Niu X., Wu J., Zhang Q.


Kalman filter is widely taken as an optimal fusion algorithm in GNSS/INS integration, and GNSS positioning error is often simply modeled as white noise in a loosely-coupled system. But many research results have shown that GNSS positioning error has the characteristic of temporal correlation. Correct error model of Kalman filter can ensure that the level of estimated accuracy is equal to that of actual accuracy. Inaccurate model will influence the consistency between estimated accuracy and actual integrated accuracy. Moreover, quality control method based on variance-covariance with inconsistency is not reliable and not utilized to detect gross errors. So, this paper mainly researches on GNSS positioning and velocity error model and its impact on quality control in GNSS/INS integration. In this paper, state-augmentation method is applied to solve the problems of GNSS colored noise to ensure the navigation accuracy consistency, and the rationality of the improved model is verified by the effect of quality control. Simulation and field test results show that state-augmentation method can improve the consistency between actual error and estimation standard deviation, and satisfy the requirement of quality control based on variance-covariance to improve the integration reliability.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):243-254
pages 243-254 views

Sigma-Point Kalman Filter Algorithm in the Problem of GNSS Signal Parameters Estimation in Non-Coherent Tracking Mode in Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Equipment

Shavrin V., Tislenko V., Lebedev V., Filimonov V., Konakov A.


The paper presents a multiloop system for noncoherent tracking of the radionavigation parameters of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals in autonomous satellite navigation system. Comparative analysis of accuracies of traditional tracking system with discriminators and filter in the tracking loop and the proposed system without discriminators is conducted. RMS errors of estimates, pull-in range and the probability of signal acquisition are studied under various SNR values. Experimental tests of derived noncoherent tracking loop are performed.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):255-266
pages 255-266 views

Mathematical Analysis for the GPS Carrier Tracking Loop Phase Jitter in Presence of Different Types of Interference Signals

Shaheen E.


The performance of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver usually depends on the tracking loops, so they can be considered the heart of the GPS receivers. It has been proven that the carrier tracking loop is more sensitive to noise and interference than the code tracking loop. Therefore, the carrier tracking loop can be used as a means for investigating the GPS receiver performance in presence of interference. In this paper, closed form analytical expressions for the carrier tracking loop phase error are derived in presence of different types of interference signals such as continuous wave interference, narrowband interference, partial band interference, broadband interference, match spectrum interference, and pulse interference. Also the carrier-to-noise ratio threshold is analytically derived. The derived analytical expressions have been validated with the aid of simulation experiments.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):267-276
pages 267-276 views

Attitude Determination Using Ambiguous GNSS Phase Measurements and Absolute Angular Rate Measurements

Zharkov M., Veremeenko K., Antonov D., Kuznetsov I.


Integration of a multiantenna GNSS receiver and inertial sensors (gyroscopes) is proposed to determine attitude parameters using GNSS phase measurements, containing integer ambiguity, and measurements of the absolute rotation rate of a moving vehicle. The potential accuracy of the proposed technology is estimated based on the simulation and full-scale tests. The implementation of the proposed approach is considered.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):277-286
pages 277-286 views

Analysis and Synthesis of Motion of Aerodynamically Stabilized Nanosatellites of the CubeSat Design

Belokonov I., Timbai I., Nikolaev P.


The motion of aerodynamically stabilized nanosatellites of the CubeSat design is studied. The features of the nanosatellites behavior in low orbits are conditioned both by the atmospheric effects and their own mass and inertial characteristics: the lifetime of nanosatellites is shorter, while the angular acceleration generated by the aerodynamic moment is much higher as compared with big satellites having large mass. CubeSats may experience resonance modes of motion caused by the shape factor of a rectangular parallelepiped. In addition, the existing commercial CubeSat deployers often generate large initial angular velocities that are random in nature. The conditions that cause the specific features of the CubeSat motion are considered and analyzed. A probabilistic approach to choosing their mass and inertial characteristics is proposed. The problems of motion stabilization are studied, and recommendations are formulated on the design of aerodynamically stabilized CubeSats with a passive/active magnetic damping system.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):287-300
pages 287-300 views

A Review of 36 Years of GLONASS Service from India

Sarkar S., Banerjee P., Bose A.


Since its initial operation in 1982, GLONASS has completed 35 years of service and has passed through eventful journey. Being the first global alternative to GPS, it generated interest among users worldwide. After initiation, the system declined to a period of unstable constellation status; the system has been revitalized and modernized since the end of 2012. This paper presents a concise discussion on initiation, development, decline and revitalization phases of the system and a review on the available research reports which presented the development and advantages of GLONASS as a stand-alone system and as a multi-GNSS component. The paper reviews the experiences of using the advantages of GLONASS from India during its complete service period based on real-time, long-term systematic analysis of data collected over the Indian region both for the initial and the revitalized and modernized phases. Finally, considering the longterm experience of using GLONASS, the paper presents a few issues towards popularization and quality enhancement of GLONASS services from India. This review may be useful in understanding the need, advantages and challenges of using GLONASS from the region.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):301-313
pages 301-313 views

Ensuring Radiation Resistance of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes and Ways to Improve It

Egorov D., Rupasov A., Untilov A.


The problem of ensuring the radiation resistance of fiber-optic gyroscopes and their main components (optical fibers, elements of integrated optics, optical sources, electronic components and optical materials) is analyzed on the basis of Russian and foreign publications. Possible ways of radiation resistance improvement are considered.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):314-324
pages 314-324 views

An Underwater Digital Network on Acoustic Modems with EviNS Framework: A Case Study

Kebkal K., Kebkal V., Kebkal A., Minaev D., Leonenkov R., Korytko A.


The new technical solution proposed in this paper significantly reduces costs for creating underwater acoustic networks (UWAN) and their exploitation. Such a network has small energy-efficient nodes (modems that function, for example, as network communication devices, nodes of long-baseline bottom antenna, etc.). The UWAN performance parameters are considered with regard to the network application for positioning and navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles. Of particular interest are the results of the study on latencies of small data packet delivery in a network as well as the probability of delivering small data packets from the source to the final recipient (for example, control commands, sensor data, data on the positions of long-baseline nodes, and sync sequences). The solution is based on the development of a dedicated EviNS Framework (Evologics intelligent Networking Software Framework) installed directly on the platform of the underwater acoustic modem (UWAM) as part of its standard software. The main performance parameters of the digital UWAN, which uses part of the EviNS framework protocols, namely, a combination of the protocol with uncoordinated access to the medium and the routing protocol based on the sequence number controlled flooding, are discussed and the results of the experimental case study are given. The values of probabilities and latencies in data delivery from the source to the recipient obtained in the experiments provide the network user with the information necessary to schedule tasks involving group interaction and real-time coordination of the UWAN nodes, in particular, mobile nodes on underwater vehicles (at least, in the UWAN with a configuration and size similar to those given in the paper).

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):325-333
pages 325-333 views

Method of Experimental Verification of Accuracy of UAV Antenna Phase Center Motion Parameters Determined by Navigation System

Kulakova V.


The paper addresses the problem of verification of a micronavigation system appropriateness for determining the parameters of antenna phase center (APC) motion in order to synthesize its aperture onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A method is proposed for the analysis of the accuracy of APC positioning in real flight conditions. Trajectory signal from a monochromatic stationary source of radio-frequency (RF) emission is used as reference measurements. The accuracy of the range to the source measured by the micronavigation system is estimated, with an emphasis on the analysis of high-frequency component of measurement error. Hardware for the proposed method implementation is described, and the results of inflight tests are presented. It is demonstrated that the accuracy of APC positioning towards the RF emission source is determined at the level of measurement errors caused by the phase instability of reference oscillators within the receiver modules.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):334-343
pages 334-343 views

An Expanded Two-Dimensional Proportional–Derivative Command to Line-of-Sight Guidance Law

Penev B.


This paper deals with an expanded two-dimensional (2D) proportional-derivative (PD) command to line-of-sight (CLOS) guidance law which fights the spiral type trajectory of an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) in the plane perpendicular to the line-of-sight (LOS) or the so called picture plane, in order to improve the transition process performance while putting the missile onto the LOS. The guidance law acts as a classical PD control law within a small predetermined area around the LOS while at missile deviations pointing a position outside this area the control law includes additional nonlinear components connected with the derivatives of the missile position vector in the plane perpendicular to the LOS. The global asymptotic stability of the guidance loop is established by a specific positive definite Lyapunov function. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by simulation results. The guidance law enables to decrease the near-field boundary of the missile operational range.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):344-351
pages 344-351 views

Features of Network Navigation Systems Construction for Surface Consumers Using Offshore Reference Points

Aleshkin A., Arkhipova I., Myslivtsev T., Nikiforov S., Polienko V., Semenov A.


The paper addresses the problem of required positioning accuracy to be provided for a marine consumer. To improve the reliability of navigation measurements, an option of system implementation comprising both stationary onshore facilities and mobile offshore ones is proposed. In order to ensure appropriate range and accuracy of navigation using surface radio navigation aids (RNA), it is proposed to employ medium-wave radiation. Specific features of navigation measures within the selected range are studied in detail, which made it possible for the authors to develop particular technical recommendations and to formulate the accuracy estimations of marine consumer positioning using the proposed solutions under different conditions.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):352-357
pages 352-357 views

Marine Gyrocompasses: Development and Prospects

Chichinadze M.


The paper addresses the history of marine gyrocompasses development in the USSR and Russia. It is noted that despite the development and implementation of attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS), strapdown inertial navigation systems, and satellite compasses (SNS-compasses), the classical gyrocompass of both pendulum and adjustable types is and will be still in demand due to its simple operation and low cost along with the accuracy sufficient for safe navigation; therefore, it will require further development and improvement.

Gyroscopy and Navigation. 2018;9(4):358-361
pages 358-361 views

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