The Right as a Reference and a Reference to the «Right»




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The purpose of the research. The author of the article examines how law and reference to law, by their nature, can be tools of manipulation. At the beginning of the article, the theoretical concept of the relationship between law and reference, as a means of transmitting information in the processes of functioning and human perception of law, is presented. Then examples are given of the use of references to quasi-legal provisions and provisions of the law for the purpose of misleading. The paper notes that there are various types of misleading references: a misleading reference to «law» a misleading reference to a declarative rule of law, a misleading reference to a rule of law with a counterintuitive execution and a misleading reference to the regulatory system. Results. The practical significance of the study consists in describing the mechanisms of various types of misleading references (a phenomenon that I propose to consider as an independent object of study of legal science), the presence of which discredits any legal system, i.e. is a direct threat to legal stability. The author hopes that the methodology developed by him, to the extent that the format of the article allows, will make specific misleading references the subject of research by legal experts in the field and stimulate the development of such methods of law-making and revision of legislation that will reduce the likelihood of using texts of normative acts for the purpose of misleading.


Kirill Grishin

Lomonosov Moscow State University

SPIN 代码: 7140-9150

postgraduate student, Department of Theory of State and Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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