Criminological Peculiarities of the Personality of the Terrorist Criminal

  • 作者: Manukyan A.1
  • 隶属关系:
    1. Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • 期: 卷 16, 编号 4 (2023)
  • 页面: 162-166
  • 栏目: General theoretical, criminal-legal and other problems of Countering extremism and terrorism. Problems of preventing extremism and terrorism
  • URL:
  • ID: 250375



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The identity of the offender is a key link in the mechanism of criminal behavior. The presence of knowledge about the characteristics of the personality of a criminal of a certain type helps in the organization and implementation of preventive and preventive activities. Terrorism is no exception. It is known that a person is a human individual who, in interaction and communication with other individuals, forms his views and values. Personality is characterized by a set of acquired qualities. Consequently, the physiological characteristics of a person, which are characteristic of him from birth, and do not depend on being in society, do not belong to the personal ones. Also, the personal qualities do not include those qualities that characterize his cognitive processes and personal style of activity, except for social ones. In this regard, it can be assumed that the personality of a criminal is made up of the concepts of personality and criminal. The identity of the offender is a multifaceted concept, it has psychological and criminological aspects. In this context, the commission of a crime can be represented as an antisocial sign of a person. However, it does not exhaust or explain all of its content. Therefore, it is the totality of some social signs of a person, his positive and negative qualities, that make it possible to draw up a complete picture of the personality of the criminal, and give it an objective assessment. The article analyzes the personality traits of a terrorist criminal based on his social and role characteristics, as well as the system of their criminal activity.


Aline Manukyan

Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Police Colonel, Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), Associate Professor of the Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines of the North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch)

俄罗斯联邦, Nalchik, KBR


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