Artificial Intelligence in Countering Terrorist Threats in the Global Information Space




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The purpose of this study is to study the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the law enforcement sphere in countering terrorist threats in the global information space. Thus, artificial intelligence helps to carry out the following manipulations: identification of a citizen; confirmation of the authenticity of an Internet user, content; identification of criminal acts regarding security systems; establishing the presence of cold or firearms in a person; monitoring the location of citizens who are wanted; formulation of versions of the investigation and determination of the vector of activities for their verification; modeling of the crime picture; identification of the serial nature of several criminal acts; monitoring of computer files, access to which is restricted; determination of the primary source of information on the Internet; analysis of the collected evidence in the case; forecast of the operational situation and criminogenic situation; analysis of the actions and strategies of terrorist cells; identification of channels illegal deliveries of items withdrawn from civil circulation; creation of forecasts on illegal migration and criminal actions at the ethnic level; compilation and processing of psychological portraits of criminals; analysis of potential places of commission of illegal actions, as well as time and circumstances; analysis of witness statements and words of suspects, comparison, search for inconsistencies; monitoring of Internet traffic on the pages of suspects, tracking their online activities; decryption of codes used by criminals to conceal the content of conversations and the purposes of activities; obtaining the necessary information from mobile devices; the implementation of anti-terrorist measures in the regions with the activation of criminals conducting such activities and much more. Of course, artificial intelligence may not be able to completely replace a person in the investigation of crimes, including those related to terrorism, but it serves as an effective tool to help the investigator, helping in the investigation and reducing the burden on law enforcement agencies.


Azamat Cherkesov

Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Police Major, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fire Training, North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch)

俄罗斯联邦, Nalchik, KBR


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