About Some Methods for Recruiting Youth to Terrorism Organizations




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The purpose of this article is a theoretical study of the problem of recruiting young people to terrorist organizations, by considering the methods used by recruiters, and identifying ways to solve it. Research objectives: - to give the concept of terrorism; - analyze historical trends in the formation of terrorism; - present methods of recruiting young people; - describe the psychological types most affected by such influence of people; - formulate recommendations on countering recruiters; Conclusions: in the article, the author gives the concept of terrorism, examines the phenomenon of terrorism in Russia from the moment of its first case to the present day, analyzes the goals of terrorist organizations at the dawn of its emergence and today, also highlights the most "popular" methods of recruiting young people into terrorist organizations. The categories of people most exposed to dangerous influence, their psychological characteristics, as well as ways of programming them and narrowing the consciousness of victims are described. Some recommendations are given on how not to fall into the hands of professional recruiters, and examples of their work are given. The importance of timely warning of young people is emphasized that it is impossible to completely trust unfamiliar people, ignore relatives, and put only the authority of a new acquaintance at the forefront. The author in the article urges to pay attention to your family, friends and friends, not to ignore their abrupt changes both for the bad and for the good, but to find out what caused it. Considerable attention is paid to interpersonal relationships between parents and young children, the importance of maintaining trusting communication with a child who, growing up, will also be close to his parents, and will not seek understanding on the side, from dubious personalities. Particular attention is paid to the idea that if a person has started to be recruited, and relatives have a suspicion for this, then it is important to remember that one-on-one cannot cope with this problem. In this case, you need to seek help from law enforcement agencies, which will be able to at least track the movement of the recruited and prevent him from getting into special camps. The importance of protecting young people at the State level and harsher punishment of those who recruit into terrorist organizations is emphasized.


Alan Teppeev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: teppeev07@mail.ru
Senior Lecturer of the State and Civil Law Disciplines Department Nalchik, Russia


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