Police Transformation Projects as Part of the Stolypin Modernization Program in Russia

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The authors set a goal - to try to show what changes the police, legal and actual status of employees would have undergone if legislation had been passed after 1906 to transform it. The subject of the study was the work of the "inter-departmental" commission (chaired by Senator A.A. Makarov), created by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire - the great Russian reformer P.A. Stolypin. The results of its activities were presented in a brief explanatory note published in 1911. The authors focused on one of the important issues - the types of police, which determine the organization, management, effectiveness of activities, determine its purpose, eliminate duplication in work. The methodological tools of the study were such scientific methods as: analysis, extrapolation, generalization, analogy, comparison, classification, abstraction. Ten provisions are used as conclusions, which provide recommendations on the formation of certain types of police of the Russian Empire, proposed by members of the interdepartmental Commission. The conclusion gives separate assessments and judgments of the authors related to the activities of the said Commission and the proposals prepared by it, which should become the norms of laws.

About the authors

Larisa Yu. Kazanina

Tula Institute (branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

Email: matros49@mail.ru

Dr. Sci. (History), Associate Professor, Director

Russian Federation, Tula

Nikolay G. Shurukhnov

Tula Institute (branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia); Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: matros49@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1132-760X

Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor; Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, Tula; Moscow


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