The Russian National Accreditation System Is a Legal Way to Improve Domestic Forensic Science Activity

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The article is devoted to the current problems and prospects of the development of forensic work at the present stage. A retrospective analysis of ways to improve forensic work, developed by scientists and established in practice for several decades, as well as an analysis of the norms of current legislation, allowed positioning the choice of a model of accreditation of forensic science organizations in Russia. The purpose of the research is to analyze the practice of conducting the accreditation procedure of forensic science organizations in the Russian Federation in the existing legal realities, as well as to develop conceptual theoretical provisions and practically significant proposals for improving forensic work through the accreditation of forensic science organizations in the Russiaп national accreditation system. In order to determine further prospects for the development of the institute of quality assurance and quality control of forensic examination, the article proposes a new approach not previously covered in the forensic literature, but based on legal requirements - the accreditation of forensic science organizations by the national accreditation body - the Federal Accreditation Service. The results of the research allowed us to draw conclusions about the legal prospects for the accreditation of forensic examination in Russia, subject to a number of conditions: accreditation of forensic science organizations in the national accreditation system; the consolidation of a special type of accredited person in the legislation and the development of special criteria for the accreditation of forensic science organizations.

About the authors

Julia Alexandrovna Antilevskaya

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate Student; Faculty of Law; lawyer of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Information and Methodological Center" of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare; technical expert of the Federal Accreditation Service Moscow, Russia


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