Tourist Region (Destination) as an Integral Element of Civil Law Relations in the Tourism System

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Purpose of the study. The article discusses conceptual approaches to the qualification of the scientific and legal definition of "tourist region". From a research position, the shortcomings and advantages of the points of view formed in the scientific community on the category under study are analyzed. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion about the advantages of the geosystem approach, based on the system of interaction of various industry elements directly or indirectly related to the production and / or sale of the tourist product. The author rightly emphasizes the relevance and necessity of using, within the framework of the geosystem concept, the key principles of geohistorical zoning. Thus, the study substantiates and formulates an integrated approach to the study of the scientific and legal meaning of tourist definitions, which consists in synthesizing the most effective elements of the system-spatial and historical-cultural concepts. In international and domestic practice, such terms as "region" and "destination" are used to designate a specific tourist area. The analysis carried out allows us to assert that, taking into account the legal features of the federal division of the Russian state, the most acceptable designation in the legal field is the category "region", which is a natural administrative unit, identified as a subject of the Russian Federation, having an established specialization, which is personalized object of statistical accounting. Taking into account the research carried out, the work formulates the scientific and legal content of the subject of research, which includes socio-economic, geopolitical, administrative and territorial criteria for characterizing the tourist region.

About the authors

Linara M. Battalova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor Moscow, Russia


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