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1.1. Manuscripts should be sent in electronic versions to the Editorial and Publishing Department of Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI) (hereinafter referred to as Editorial) via the form available at our website (Editorial contact telephone number +7 (495) 688 32 41).

1.2. While sending a manuscript, it should be accompanied with Consent for publication, signed by an author and in the case of co-authorship, by the corresponding author (hereinafter referred as Author).

1.3. Manuscripts are considered provided they have never been submitted to other editions, or put on the web, or published before.

1.4. By sending a manuscript to the Editorial, Author entitles the Editorial to publish it in the journal. By sending a manuscript to the Editorial, Author agrees that exclusive property rights for the manuscript (materials transferred to the Editorial, including protected authorship objects, such as photos made by the author, figures, diagrams, tables, etc.), including the right for its full or partial reproduction in printed form and in the web and other ways of public communications) are transferred to the Editorial.

1.5. The rights, mentioned in pp. 1.4., are transferred by the Author to the Editorial without limitation of time when they are in effect in the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The Editorial may assign the rights obtained from the Author to any third parties and may prohibit to the third parties any use of materials published in the journal.

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1.9. The rights for a manuscript are considered transferred by the Author to the Editorial effective from the time and date when the journal issue in which the above mentioned manuscript is published, is signed for publication.

1.10. Copying of materials published in the journal by other physical and legal entities is possible only under a written permission of the Editorial with mandatory reference to the journal issue/number (year of publishing), in which the material was published.

1.11. The Editorial does not take any responsibility for authenticity of information presented in the author’s manuscript.

1.12. The manuscript submitted should comply with principles provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ‒ ICMJE) in the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Preparation and Editing of Biomedical Publications” (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals).

1.13. Manuscripts submitted with violation of the rules are not accepted for consideration by the Editorial of the journal.

1.14. Editorial has the right to reduce and edit manuscripts submitted. The date of submission is considered to be the date of submission of final (modified) version of a manuscript.

1.15. Rejected manuscripts are not sent back.

1.16. There is no publication charge for aspirants.


A manuscript should be typed in a Times New Roman or Arial standard 12 pitch-font, double spaced, with 2-cm margins on all four sides of the whole text, including title page, abstract, list of references, tables and text under figures. Pages are numbered in a sequence starting from the title page, with page numbers placed at the right lower corner of each page.

An original article, including list of references, diagrams, figures and tables, should not exceed 18 standard typewriting pages (1 page is 1800 symbols with intervals); clinical case descriptions should not exceed 6 standard pages, and reviews, 25 pages.

Any marks in the text can be done only in italic or bold, but not by underlining. All erroneously repeated intervals and excessive line breakdowns should be deleted from the text (automatically through “Find and Replace” in Microsoft Word).

2.1. Title Page

The title page of a manuscript should contain the following:

  • Title of the article;
  • Family names and initials of an author (authors);
  • Full name of the affiliated organizations;
  • Postal address (with a zip code) of the affiliated organizations, city, country;
  • Contact information (for a corresponding author): family name and given names in full, postal address (with a zip code), contact phone number, e-mail address.

Manuscript title must be informative, without abbreviations.

If authors from different institutions have contributed to a manuscript, it is necessary to mark the names of institutions with the names of authors with high registry digital indexes placed before names of institutions and after authors’ names. If all authors of a manuscript work at one institution, it is unnecessary to put place of work for each of them and it is enough to put the name of the institution only once.

Example of a title page formatting

Clinical and laboratory correlates of intelligence level (IQ) in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity

Starostina E.G.1, Volodina M.N.1, Bobrov A.E.2

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI); 61/2 Shchepkina ul., Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation

Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry – Affiliate of Federal Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology; 3 Poteshnaya ul., Moscow, 107076,  Russian Federation

Corresponding author: Elena G. Starostina. Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI);
61/2 Shchepkina ul., Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation
Tel.: +7 (495) 631 73 79.
E-mail: elena.starostina59@yandex.ru 


2.2. Information about authors

Additional information on each author, including full given and family names, doctoral degrees and positions are given on a separate page.

Example of information about authors
  • Elena G. Starostina – MD, PhD, Professor, Chair of Endocrinology, Postgraduate Training Faculty
  • Marina N. Volodina – Research Associate, Department of Therapeutic Endocrinology
  • Aleksey E. Bobrov – MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Department of Consultative and Telemedical Psychiatry
2.3. Abstract

An abstract of a manuscript should be informative (reflecting main contents of the manuscript and study results) and structured, i.e. logically follow description of results in the manuscript), compact but not short (from 150 to 350 words). An abstract is intended to be a source of information independent of the article. It is the main source of information in domestic and foreign informational systems and databases indexing the journal. Through an abstract / annotation to a paper, a reader should understand the essence of the study or main ideas of a literature review, as well as to determine if it is worth referring to the full text of an article for more detailed information. It is strongly recommended that design of an abstract mimic the article’s design. An abstract should mirror contents of the manuscript, rather than simply copy its section “Conclusion”.

  • 2.3.1. Text of an original article abstract should contain subtitles: Rationale/Background, Aim, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (optionally) and Conclusion.
  • 2.3.2. It is enough for an abstract of a review of literature and of a clinical case to communicate main ideas of an article.
  • 2.3.3. At the end of an abstract, from 3 to 10 key words or phrases must be given, that help indexing of a paper in search systems. To choose key words in the English language, one should use the thesaurus of the US National Medical Library – Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
2.4. Article structure
  • 2.4.1. Text of manuscripts of original, special and fundamental studies should contain the following sections: Introduction (brief and reflecting the state of the problem by the time of the article is written, as well as purposes of the study), Materials and methods, followed by Results, Discussion and Conclusion.
    The narrative should be clear, compact, without long historical prefaces and any repeats. Verified and new facts and results of long-term studies are preferred. 
    Any original methods and techniques used in the study should be clearly described, so that they can be easily reproduced. The “Methods” section should contain a sub-section with detailed description of statistical analysis, including concrete methods used for generalization of data; methods used for testing of a hypothesis (if any). If more complex statistical methods are used (in addition to t-test, chi-square test, simple linear regression), then statistical software used for analysis must be given, with its version number.
  • 2.4.2. Text of a manuscript with a clinical case(-s) description, review of literature can be given in a free form. However, it is desirable to include such sections as “Discussion” and “Conclusion”, as well as “Recommendations”.
2.5. Standards
  • 2.5.1. All terms and definitions must be scientifically sound and valid.
  • 2.5.2. Only international nonproprietary names of pharmaceuticals (INN) should be given in titles of manuscripts. Exclusion from this rule can be the cases when the use of trade names is essentially necessary (for example, if results of studies on bio- or therapeutic equivalence of pharmaceuticals are published). In the text, international nonproprietary names of pharmaceuticals must be used. If necessary, trade names can be used but not more than once per standard page (1800 symbols with intervals).
  • 2.5.3. Dosages of pharmaceuticals, units of measurements and other continuous variables must be given in SI system.
  • 2.5.4. It is desirable that enzymes should be named according to Enzyme Classification standards.
  • 2.5.5. It is recommended that Inherited or familial disorders correspond to the International classification of Mendelian Inheritance in Men (http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim).
  • 2.5.6. Names of microorganisms should be checked against those given in “Medical Microbiology” (eds. by V.I. Pokrovsky) or given in accordance with “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms” (in 3 volumes, ed. by B.V. Petrovsky).
  • 2.5.7. Beyond generally accepted abbreviations of measurement units, physical, chemical and mathematic terms and values, it is allowed to use abbreviations of combination of words and phrases that are most commonly used in the text. All letter designations and abbreviations introduced by the Author must be explained in the text at their first use.
  • 2.5.8. Each and every figure, diagram, table, photographic illustration, literature reference should be given in the text in the order of mentioning.
  • 2.5.9. References to sources must be given in the text as Arabic figures in square brackets.
  • 2.5.10. Spelling of family names and surnames mentioned in the text should correspond to their spelling in the list of references.
2.6. Additional information

Additional information can be given at the end of an article.

  • 2.6.1. Information on conflict on interests. Authors should disclose potential and obvious conflict of interests related to the manuscript. As a conflict of interests, any situation can be considered (financial relations, service or work in institutions that have financial or political interest to materials being published, functional duties, etc.), that is able to influence the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data or change their interpretation. Presence of conflict of interests in one or several authors shall not be regarded as a reason to reject a manuscript. Concealment of potential and obvious conflicts of interest revealed by the Editorial can be the reason to reject consideration and publication of a manuscript.
  • 2.6.2. Information on sponsorship. It is necessary to give a source of financing both for scientific work, as well as for publication of an article (any foundation, commercial or state organization, private person, etc.). There is no need to give exact amount of funding.
  • 2.6.3. Acknowledgements. Authors may express their acknowledgements to individuals and organizations that help to publish their paper in the journal, but were not authors of the publication.
2.7. Plots, diagrams, figures, photographs
  • 2.7.1. Diagrams, flow charts, plots and photographs must be marked as figures, placed on separate pages, numbered in the order of their mentioning in the text, have titles (text under figures) and notes, if necessary. They must not replicate contents of tables.
  • 2.7.2. Plots, flow charts and diagrams are accepted in electronic formats MS Excel, Adobe Illustrator or MS PowerPoint, and photographs as tiff files (300 dpi).
  • 2.7.3. Plot axes must have names and dimensions. Any plot must be accompanied with a legend (designations of lines and fillings). If any diagrams are compared, statistical significance for a difference must be given. Three-dimensional models for histograms are not allowed. In the text of a manuscript, authors should mark where they would like to place plots, flow charts and figures.
  • 2.7.4. On photographs, details should be marked by arrows or other symbols. All symbols, arrows and inscriptions should be made contrast to the background.
  • 2.7.5. Inscriptions on figures and photographs should be of adequate size to be legible after their compression for publication. The optimal font size is 12 pt.
  • 2.7.6. It is not allowed to used “doubled”, “tripled”, etc. figures. Several images joint into one figure, should be marked by letters (a, b, c, etc.) with mandatory descriptions of what is shown there within common text under this figure.
  • 2.7.7. All symbols used (arrows, circles, etc.) must be explained. All abbreviations used must be decoded in alphabetic order at the end of common text under the figure.
  • 2.7.8. In captions to microphotographs, stain techniques and magnifications must be given.
2.8. Tables
  • 2.8.1. Tables must be printed double spaced, have a number corresponding to the order of their mentioning in the text, and a title. Tables must be designed compact, clear, with titles of lines and columns that strictly correspond to their contents.
  • 2.8.2. Data presented in tables must not be replicated in the text or in a figure. It is mandatory that all values have been subjected to statistical analysis. In all tables, units/dimension and types of data must be clearly indicated (M ± m; M ± SD; Me; Mo; percentiles, etc.). All values, totals and percentages in tables must be thoroughly checked up and correspond to their mentioning in the text. If necessary, explanatory notes are given below tables.
  • 2.8.3. Abbreviations must be listed as footnotes under a table, in alphabetic order.
2.9. List of references
  • 2.9.1. List of references must be typed double spaced on a separate page, each source on a new line under a serial number. Reference numbers must be put into square brackets at the end of a sentence. References to unpublished papers are not permitted.
  • 2.9.2. Correct description of sources in the list of references, the most significant components of which being names of authors, names of journals, years and page numbers, see in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements. html).
  • 2.9.3. It is necessary to give names of all authors of a publication. Shortening of the list of authors as “et al.” is unacceptable.
  • 2.9.4. List of references must be compiled in the order of citation, rather than in alphabetic order.
  • 2.9.5. For a search of abbreviated journal names one should use Index Medicus.
  • 2.9.6. All documents that are referred to in the text must be included into the list of references.
  • 2.9.7. List of references should not include those to dissertations, theses, referats and abstracts published earlier than two years ago, as well as to materials whose availability is impossible to check (local conference materials, etc.).
  • 2.9.8. If the article quoted has a digital object identifier (doi) it must be specified after the description of the article.
  • 2.9.9. It is the author who is responsible for accuracy of bibliographical information.
Examples of reference lists for the Russian and English parts of the article

Description of an article from a journal

  • Martínez-Leal R, Salvador-Carulla L, Gutiérrez-Colosía MR, Nadal M, Novell-Alsina R, Martorell A,
  • González-Gordón RG, Mérida-Gutiérrez MR, Ángel S, Milagrosa-Tejonero L, Rodríguez A, GarcíaGutiérrez JC, Pérez-Vicente A, García-Ibáñez J, Aguilera-Inés F. Health among persons with intellectual disability in Spain: the European POMONA-II study. Rev Neurol. 2011;53(7):406–14.
  • Volchegorskiy IA, Mester NV, Zotova OG. Prediktory diabeticheskoy entsefalopatii [Predictors of diabetic encephalopathy]. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova [S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry]. 2006;106(9):12–6 (in Russian).

Description of an article from an electronic journal

  • Gur’eva VA, Kost’kina YaM. Prognosticheskie faktory perinatal’nogo riska u zhenshchin s priobretennoy i nasledstvennoy gipergomotsisteinemiey [Predictors of perinatal risk in women with acquired and hereditary hyperhomocusteinemia]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern problems of science and education]. 2012;(4). Available at: http://www.science-education.ru/104-6675 (Accessed 28 April 2015) (in Russian).

Description of an electronic source

  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of monochorionic twin pregnancy. Green-top Guideline. 2008;51. Available at: http://www.rcog.org.uk/globalassets/documents/ guidelines/t51managementmonochorionictwinpregnancy2008a.pdf
  • Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Ofitsial’naya statistika. Naselenie. Demografiya.
  • Ozhidaemaya prodolzhitel’nost’ zhizni pri rozhdenii [Federal Service of State Statistics. Official statistics. Population. Demography. Life expectancy at birth]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/ rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/demography/# (in Russian)

Description of a book

  • Quintero RA, editor. Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007. 256 p.
  • Evsyukova II, Kosheleva NG. Sakharnyy diabet: beremennye i novorozhdennye [Diabetes mellitus: gravidae and newborns]. Saint Petersburg: Spetsial’naya literatura; 1996. 268 p. (in Russian).

Description of a chapter in book

  • Rock JA. Surgery for anomalies of the mullerianducts. In: Rock JA, Thompson JD, editors. The Linde’s operative gynecology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997. p. 687–729.
  • Tyurin VP. Infektsionnye endokardity [Infective endocarditis]. In: Chazov EI, Belenkova YuN, editors. Ratsional’naya farmakoterapiya serdechno-sosudistykh zabolevaniy [Rational pharmacotherapy for cardiovascular diseases]. Moscow: Litterra; 2004. p. 483–505 (in Russian).

Description of conference materials

  • Sanina NP, Khishova NN, Moskalets OV, Makarkov AI. Kharakteristika CD3+CD16+CD56+ subpopulyatsii
  • T-limfotsitov u bol’nykh infektsionno-immunnym miokarditom [Characteristics of CD3+CD16+CD56+ T-lymphocyte subpopulation in patients with infectious-immune myocarditis]. In: Tezisy dokladov III Evraziyskogo kongressa kardiologov; 20–21 fevralya 2014 g.; Moskva, RF [Proceedings of the 3rd Eurasian Cardiology Congress; 2014 Feb 20–21; Moscow, RF]. Moscow; 2014. p. 112 (in Russian).
2.10. Compliance with ethical norms

For publication of an original study results it is necessary to confirm if study participants signed a written consent form. In the case of an animal study, it is necessary to state that the study protocol complied with ethical norms and principles of conduct of biomedical animal studies. In both cases it is necessary to state if the study protocol was approved by an Ethics Committee (with the name of corresponding institution, its location, protocol number and date of the Committee meeting).




  • The manuscripts are accepted if has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

  • The materials should be prepared in a format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or World Perfect.

  • Internet links are provided as a complete URL.

  • Text should be typed with an interval of two line spacing, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text (and not at the end of the document).

  • Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in Regulations located in the Part "About Us."

  • Please, remove the authors' names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the anonymity of reviewing.



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  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licensee  (CC BY-NC 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the standart Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical 'Almanac of Clinical Medicine'.

READ the details online (tap to see in details)

Public Offer (Publishing Agreement to Publish an Article in Journal “Almanac of Clinical Medicine”)

Editorial Board of the Journal “Almanac of Clinical Medicine”, represented by Editor-in-Chief M.G. Glezer, hereinafter referred to as the Licensee (Publisher), on the one hand, hereby offers to the public at large, hereinafter referred to as the Licensor (Author), on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, to enter into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, regarding publication of scholarly materials, hereinafter referred to as the Article, in the Journal “Almanac of Clinical Medicine”, under the following terms.

1. Subject of an Agreement

1.1. This Agreement is a public offer. Licensor (the Author) grants to Licensee (the Publisher) non-exclusive rights for publishing his work by any possible way, i.e. in printed / electronic version, in due to contractual limits and fixed terms.

1.2. Pursuant to Clause 3 of the Article 438 of the Russian Federation Civil Code, this Agreement shall be deemed to have been completely and irrevocably accepted after the Author had submitted his/her materials by uploading those onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the respective section of the Journal's site at URL: https://www.almclinmed.ru/jour/login on the Internet.

1.3. Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licensee  that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

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2. The rights and obligations of the Parties

2.1. Licensor grants to Licensee following rights for up to ten years: 

2.1.1. Right to reproduce the Article (publication, disclosure, duplication, reproduction or other reproduction of the Article) without limited edition copies. In addition, each copy of the Article must include the name of the Author of the Article; 

2.1.2. The right to distribute the product by any way;

2.1.3. The right for processing, including translation of the Article (including translation into foreign languages), and use of the processed (translated) Article in any manner specified above;

2.1.4. The right to revise the work (creation of a new, independent creative work on its basis) and the right to make changes in the product, not representing its processing; 

2.1.5. Right for publicity and demonstration work in information, advertising and other purposes; 

2.1.6. Right for communication to the public;

2.1.7. The right fully or partially to assign contractual provisions received under this contract to the third parties without payment of remuneration to Licensor, as well as the right of translation into foreign languages, with accommodation in foreign publications.

2.2. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

2.3. Licensor warrants that the product transferred to Licensee hereunder is an original piece. 

2.4. Licensor warrants that this product was not transferred to reproduce or otherwise use before anyone officially (i.e. formally signed contract). If the work has already been published, Licensor should notify the Licensee.

2.5. Licensor transferred its rights to Licensee hereunder based on a non-exclusive license. 

2.6. Licensee agrees to comply the relevant statutory copyright, Licensor’s copyright, as well as to protect them and to take all possible measures to prevent copyright infringement by third parties. 

2.7. The land on which permitted the use of rights to the work is not limited.

3. Responsibilities of the Parties

3.1. Licensor and Licensee bear financial and other legal responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation for non-performance or improper performance of its obligations hereunder.

4. Final provisions

4.1. All disputes and differences between the Parties arising out of the terms of this Agreement shall be settled by negotiation, and if its failed, these disputes are to be settled in court in accordance with the current legislation. 

4.2. Termination of this Agreement is possible at any time with mutual consent of the Parties with obligatory signing of the corresponding agreement about this.

4.3. Unilaterally termination of this Agreement is possible in cases stipulated by law or by court order. 

4.4. In all cases not provided in this Agreement Parties shall be governed by applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.



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The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.
