Attitude of the population of russia towards the post-mortem organ donation and the sources of information involved in its shaping





This study focuses on the need to shape attitude of the Russian people to support the development of the post-mortem organ donation program. The aim of the work was to study the attitude of the population to the post-mortem organ donation and to determine the sources of information involved in its shaping. The study was based on the results of a survey of 250 patients at the federal medical center where organ transplant operations are performed. The analysis demonstrates the multi-stage process of shaping a position of support for the post-mortem organ donation among the population - from understanding the humanity of this activity to concrete steps to support it. At the same time, propaganda of organ donation is important through the involvement of the media, educational system resources, and scientific professional communities. In Russia, it is necessary to start outreach with the population concerning organ donation from the first stage, to facilitate an understanding of the need for its development in order to save the lives of seriously ill people, and therefore systematic work is needed using opportunities primarily from television and Internet sources.


S. Romanov

Federal budgetary institution of health care «Volga district medical center»

director г. Нижний Новгород

O. Abaeva

Sechenov University

Email: abaevaop@inbox.ruг
Doctor of medical sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology of Medicine, Health Economics and Medical Insurance


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