The debriefing as psycho-technology assistance to victims of war, terrorism and disasters: Bioethical aspects




The article is devoted to psychological support and rehabilitation of military personnel and victims of war. The possibilities and limitation of debriefing as a form of psychological support and prevention last heavy military stress, post-traumatic stress disorder and other disorders. Examines the main mechanisms of debriefing and its functions. Particular attention is drawn to the problem of social exchange of experiences, its role in overcoming the negative effects of war trauma, and the role and functions of social exchange of experiences in the reconstruction of the events of wars, disasters, and terrorist attacks. Describes the conditions of the effectiveness of psychological debriefing and its problems. The experience of trans-ordinal events, including a long stay in them, can be very valuable for the individual and the community, requires research, reflection, not only leads to nonhealing wounds and psychosomatic disorders and mental type, but with proper work with him, identifies new opportunities of moral and psychological development of man as the Creator of the surrounding reality. We analyzed the results of studies of social exchange (separation) of experiences in debriefing and other studies of socio-psychological counseling. In the considered works he acts as a process of social exchange or "division" by the subjects of the meanings of his life activity, experiences and perceptions about it. The success of such an exchange, its effectiveness and productivity is associated with the formation and development of partnerships and mutual support. Very important are the conditions for achieving psychological security and the focus on the development of subjects of dialogue. The central bioethical aspect of assistance to the victims of wars, terrorist acts, disasters and other psychotrauma events is the consideration of the interests of the victims themselves and the protection of the interests of the society, the preservation and development of social relations.


M. Arpentieva

Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga state University

grand doctor (Grand PhD) of psychological Sciences, associate professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of natural sciences (RANS), professor of the department of development and education psychology Kaluga, Russia


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