About the need for ethical reflection on sociological research in medicine




The article is a review of the book by N.N. Sedova and G.Y. Shchekin «Medical tourism: history, theory, practice». This review states the relevance and timeliness of the appeal to the issues of medical tourism in the monograph by N.N. Sedova and G.Y. Shchekin. As the positive aspects is the following: the definition of «medical tourism», the difference between health and medical tourism, the reasons for the predominance of outbound medical tourism on inbound tourism in Russia, the role of social actors - the organizers of medical tourism. Reviewers come to the conclusion about the need to develop ethical and legal foundations of medical-tourism activities, as in the monograph raised, but not resolved the ethical and legal problems. Preventing ethical risks in the development of medical tourism is an actual task of bioethics.


A. Petrov

Volgograd medical research center

Email: vip@sprint-v.com.ru
Ph. D. (legal Sciences), D.Sc.(Philosophy), Professor, senior researcher

R. Avanesyan

Stavropol State Medical University

Email: sergejsirak@yandex.ru
Ph. D. (Medicine), associate Professor of dentistry chair г. Ставрополь


  1. Седова Н.Н., Щекин Г.Ю. Медицинский туризм: история, теория, практика. - М.: ООО Издательская группа «Юрист», 2014. - 276 с

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