Physician’s rights in the troubled field of bioethics (the case of the european practice)




The article presents the particular case materials from European practice of conflict resolution in medicine, which shows the need for a universal approach to the realization of human rights. The physician’s rights are examined not only in the context of them professional activity, but also in the social content of individual autonomy. These comments of Russian colleagues and experts from UNESCO demonstrate common approaches to resolving conflicts in medicine in Russia and abroad. Universal mechanism is the application of absolute and inalienable human rights as a patient and the doctor. The article discusses the significance of the pre-trial settlement of conflicts between doctors and patients through the activities of ethics committees, and the introduction of standardized informed consent form.


S. Ayvazyan

Rostov State Medical University

рost-graduate student at the Department of Public health and Health Care № 1 with the course of history of medicine г. Ростов-на-Дону

A. Donika

Volgograd Medical Research Center

D. Sc. (Sociology), associate professor, Senior Researcher in the Department of ethical, judicial and sociological expertise in medicine

Y. Elansky

Rostov State Medical University

D. Sc. (Мedicine), Professor, head. the Department of public health and health № 1 with the course of the history of medicine г. Ростов-на-Дону


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版权所有 © Ayvazyan S.H., Donika A.D., Elansky Y.G., 2015

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