Medico-sociological assessment of surgeons' activities during the COVID-19 pandemic





Background: The article considers the results of a survey of surgeons of non-infectious multidisciplinary hospitals in Volgograd, carrying out their activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aim: Тo study the opinion of surgeons of surgical departments of non-infectious multidisciplinary hospitals, about satisfaction with their work, conditions of medical activity, about security, availability of planned surgical care during the COVID-19 pandemic and the main factors affecting them.

Methods: Тhe study was conducted using a questionnaire method with the participation of 47 surgeons of surgical departments of non-infectious multidisciplinary hospitals in Volgograd, working during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-2022. Statistical (Microsoft Excel 365) and graphoanalytic methods were used.

Results: When analyzing the questionnaires, it was found that only 32.6 % of surgeons were satisfied with their work, 47.8 % were partially satisfied, and 19.6 % were not satisfied. In turn, 69.6 % of surgeons consider the operating units of the departments to be not fully provided with all the necessary equipment, 15.9 % consider the provision to be complete, 15.9 % refrain from answering.

Conclusion: During the discussion, proposals were made to increase the satisfaction of surgeons with their professional activities, to improve the efficiency, quality and safety of planned surgical services.


Olga Us

Multidisciplinary Medical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1968-5399

Deputy Chief Physician

俄罗斯联邦, Volgograd

Natalia Chepurina

Volgograd State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4747-9939

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Training of Medical Personnel for residency

俄罗斯联邦, Volgograd

Stanislav Panin

Volgograd State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5174-1675

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Surgery with the course of Urology

俄罗斯联邦, Volgograd


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2. Рис. 1. График зависимости «удовлетворенности работой» от укомплектованности хирургами

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3. Рис. 2. График зависимости «удовлетворенности работой» от количества СИЗ

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4. Рис. 3. График зависимости доступности плановой помощи от оснащения хирургии

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5. Рис. 4. График зависимости боязни заразиться от количества СИЗ

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6. Рис. 5. Гистограмма зависимости отказа в госпитализации и обследования перед операцией

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7. Рис. 6. График зависимости актуальности программы Fast-treck Surgery от категории специалиста

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版权所有 © Us O.A., Chepurina N.G., Panin S.I., 2022

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