Application of the integrated approach to the ethics of radiological protection (part II)

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The main objective of this study is to continue an open dialogue between representatives of the nuclear industry and the interested public concerned about the ethics of decision-making in nuclear energy. The authors consider these problems from the perspective of integral philosophy differentiating levels of consciousness. The study consists of two parts. The first one aimed to analyse ethical platforms of radiological protection and the principles of biomedical ethics using the level approach [6]. The summary table of ethical correlates of radiation safety and principles of bioethics is presented. The second part described in this paperis contains a system analysis of the public acceptability of radiation risks depending on the ethical platforms (paradigms) of both decision makers and those for whom decisions are made.

About the authors

N. A Podzolkova

Ozyorsk Technological Institute - branch of the National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»

PhD, associate professor of Department of humanitarian disciplines Ozyorsk

S. A Romanov

South Ural Institute of Biophysics FMBA of Russia

PhD, director; member of International commission on radiological protection (ICRP) Ozyorsk


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Copyright (c) 2020 Podzolkova N.A., Romanov S.A.

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