Bioethics: definition and types

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Bioethics is defined by the authors as a form of knowledge about the permissible limits of manipulating human life in the range from birth to dying. A comparative analysis of the materials of the Conference in Jerusalem (2018) and the «Handbook on Bioethics for Judges» (2016) prepared by the UNESCO Department of Bioethics in Haifa, on the one hand, and Statements of the Church and Social Council on Biomedical Ethics of the Russian Orthodox Church, on the other, was conducted. It proves that bioethics as a type of modern medical ethics exists and will exist in the near future in conservative and liberal forms. Disclosure of their content contributes to solving the problem of finding compromises in specific situations of medical practice.

About the authors

I. V Siluyanova

Russian National research Medical University the N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Healf of the Russian Federation

Professor, PhD, Head of the Biomedical Ethics Department Moscow, Russia

L. E Pishchikova

Federal State Budgetary Institution «V. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Doctor of medicine, Head of the Department of Preventive Gerontopsychiatry Moscow, Russia


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  5. th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, Jerusalem on November 27-29. -
  6. Casebook on Bioethics for Judges. UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa), 2016. - 132 p. -
  7. UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 13th World Conference «Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law». Program and book of abstracts. - 123 p. -

Copyright (c) 2020 Siluyanova I.V., Pishchikova L.E.

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