Professional development and adaptation of novice surgeons: opportunities and risks

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A roundtable discussion on «The entrance of surgeons into the specialty and their adapting to a new job» was held by the editorial Board of Bioethics journal. The major topics covered in the discussion were professional development of beginning surgeons, the relationship between experienced surgeons and novices. The participants of the roundtable were unanimous on the need for a series of measures aimed at providing more opportunities for the beginning surgeons and decreasing the effects of social risks associated with their _ job.

About the authors

A. V Bykov

Volgograd State Medical University

MD, professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of General Surgery and Neurosurgery, Department of Continuing Education

R. V Myakonkiy

Volgograd State Medical University; Volgograd Regional Hospital № 3

Research fellow of the Department of General Surgery and Neurosurgery, Department of Continuing Education, Volgograd State Medical University, Practicing Surgeon of the Volgograd Regional Hospital № 3

G. S Tabatadze

Volgograd Institute of Economics, Sociology and Law

доктор философских наук, профессор, проректор по научной работе НОУ ДПО


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Copyright (c) 2016 Bykov A.V., Myakonkiy R.V., Tabatadze G.S.

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