Ethical portrait " HOMO PERFECTUS”: from bioethics to technoetic

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This article makes explicit the discrepancy between the original term "human enhancement” and its Russian translation. "Enhancement” is interpreted as improvement and not perfection. At the same time, the operational content of the term "perfection " makes it possible to overcome the numerous ethical issues of the use of “human enhancement" technologies highlighted in the scientific literature. Apparent relativism of the term "improvement" hinders the generation of quantitative and qualitative evidence of perfection. "Human enhancement" technologies regarded as human perfection technologies result _ from the evolution of all the previous and current anthropic technologies, but there is an extent to which they can be applied after which a person can acquire a new quality. The moral status of the "Homo Perfectos" is very important for bioethics. Obviously, having more features of a technogenic species than those of a biospecies, it will create and share a new system of moral values, in which the technical "life support system" would represent the major value, and the preservation of natural features will be of applied value. This can be interpreted as the improvement from the viewpoint of Homo Perfectus, and as degradation from the standpoint of modern bioethics. The alternative may be seen as bioimprovement, i.e. the implementation of the natural program of self-development of the living. But mankind does not yet have sufficient knowledge, while commercial interests demand accelerated advancement of technology, rather than fundamental science.

About the authors

N. N Sedova

Volgograd Medical Research Center; Volgograd State Medical University

Email: nnsl
Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Doctor of Science (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of Ethical, Legal and Sociological Expertise r, Head of Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law Volgograd


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