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The information about the history of establishment ethical and legal regulation for HIV/AIDS has been done. It is shown that for control of HIV/AIDS pandemic the special place should be faced to protect the human rights, to solve the conflict between individuals and society and to follow the universal principals of bioethics such as: solidarity, social responsibility and sharing of benefits in all arias of human activity. The legal and ethical regulations in the field of HIV/AIDS have presented on national, regional and global levels. It is mentioned that ddespite the progress in the field of diagnostic and treatment of HIV/AIDS was made, discrimination and sigma continued to be the main problem for access to essential medical care. This fact, once again shows the great role of education and creation the ethical response on HIV/AIDS pandemic. Report of the IBC UNESCO “On the Principle of Non-discrimination and Nonstigmatization" as set forth in Article 11 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO, 2005) has been presented in the frame of HIV/AIDS problems. The main discrimination and stigmatization risks and courses of reflection and action have been described. In the article has clarified the great value of the collaboration between authorities and society for achievement nondiscrimination and nonstigmatization, as important factor for successful surveillance and control of HIV/AIDS pandemic.

About the authors

O. I Kubar

FBSI research Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology Pasteur

Doctor of medical Sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of etiology and control of viral infections; member of the International bioethics Committee of UNESCO


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