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卷 9, 编号 6 (2017)


The error in solving a wave equation based on a scheme with weights

Sukhinov A., Chistyakov A.


The error in approximating a Cauchy problem for a two-dimensional wave equation based on a scheme with weights is studied. The dependence of the approximation error on the time step and weight parameter is considered. With this aim in view, the difference of second-order spatial derivatives in the wave equation is approximated, while the time derivative is preserved continuous; and an analytical solution of a Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations is obtained as the decomposition in the orthonormal basis consisting of the eigenvectors of the operator of the second difference derivative with respect to the spatial variables. Based on this solution, the errors of the approximation of the wave problem by three-layer difference schemes are studied and the conditions for the stability of a three-layer difference scheme are obtained. It is established that, when simulating the propagation of oscillation processes using difference methods, the oscillation frequency values differ from the real ones and depend on the weight parameter and time step. The optimal values of the weight parameter with which the deviation of the oscillation frequency for the difference scheme is minimal are obtained. The dependences of the approximation error on weight and spatial step are derived. The optimal values of the weight parameter with which the schemes are of the second and fourth order of accuracy with respect to the time step are found.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):649-656
pages 649-656 views

Self-similar solution of a hydraulic fracture problem for a poroelastic medium

Karakin A., Ramazanov M., Borisov V., Men’shov I., Savenkov E.


A solution of a coupled problem on the propagation of a hydraulic fracture (HF) with respect to the processes of deformation and flow in a poroelastic medium is considered. The fracture is formed and developed under the impact of a Newtonian fluid pumped into it through a well. The sets of self-similar solutions are constructed. These solutions are used to describe the evolution of a penny-shaped shallow fracture in a poroelastic medium with a uniform pressure inside the fracture. This work is a part of the HF publication series, which are based on splitting the original equations into components in accordance with the incomplete coupling principle.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):657-668
pages 657-668 views

Regularities of thermoacoustic oscillations in Lehmann’s plant with a coolant moving in reverse

Basok B., Gotsulenko V.


An approximate method is developed for calculating the instability boundaries, as well as the frequencies and amplitudes, of acoolant’s autooscillations self-excited during its motion in a vertical channel exposed to locally applied heat from a constant power source. Unlike in the classical generators of thermoacoustic oscillations such as the Rijke tube and Lehmann’s plant, it is assumed that the main stationary flow is collinear with the gravity force. In order to exclude the surging nature of the self-oscillations, it is assumed that the flow is created by a supercharger with a monotonically decreasing head-capacity characteristic. The resulting mathematical model makes it possible to theoretically determine the self-excitation conditions of the considered autooscillations and also to evaluate the effect of various parameters on their shape.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):669-678
pages 669-678 views

Car-following model with explicit reaction-time delay: linear stability analysis of a uniform solution on a ring

Kurtc V., Anufriev I.


A microscopic car-following model with an explicit reaction-time delay is considered. The acceleration of every vehicle depends on its actual speed, the predecessor speed, and the distance between them. The acceleration function explicitly includes the driver’s reaction-time delay. On the one hand, this is an undoubted advantage of the model, and on the other hand, it significantly complicates the mathematical analysis. The subject of the study is the stability analysis of the uniform solutions on a ring. Using the linear stability analysis, we obtained the conditions on the model parameters including the driver’s reaction time, for which perturbations around the uniform solution decay. The calculations show that there are values for the model parameters, which satisfy the obtained conditions and at the same time provide a realistic dynamic of the vehicles. An important result is the fact that this model is able to reproduce such phenomenon as propagation of stop-and-go waves, which are widely known in traffic flow theory and are observed in practice. The latter is another advantage of the proposed car-following model.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):679-687
pages 679-687 views

Implementation of the low Mach number method for calculating flows in the NOISEtte software package

Abalakin I., Bobkov V., Kozubskaya T.


This paper is devoted to the development of computational techniques for simulating low Mach number flows on unstructured meshes based on the Roe method and the edge-based vertexcentered higher accuracy schemes. The techniques are implemented in the in-house NOISEtte code. The results of predicting an inviscid compressible low Mach number flow over a NACA0012 airfoil are presented and analyzed. The computations are carried out on structured and unstructured triangular grids.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):688-696
pages 688-696 views

Two approaches to describing the turbulent exchange within the atmospheric surface layer

Levashova N., Muhartova J., Olchev A.


Two two-dimensional models that describe the interaction of an air flow with a heterogeneous vegetation cover within the atmospheric surface layer are presented. These models differ in the closure techniques used to obtain approximate solutions of the averaged system of the Navier−Stokes and continuity equations and also in the approaches applied to describe the interaction of the air flow with elements of vegetation. The first model is based on the one-and-a-half-order closure scheme and the interaction of an air flow with elements of vegetation is described using the viscous drag force. The second model uses the first-order closure scheme and the distribution of the wind velocity field near the boundaries between different vegetation communities is simulated by the theory of contrast structures (CSs). We also present the results of the numerical experiments to compare the developed models with respect to their ability to describe the wind-velocity field within the atmospheric surface layer above the different forms of vegetation cover heterogeneity, such as a forest belt and clear-cut areas.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):697-707
pages 697-707 views

Electric potential in the earth’s ionosphere: a numerical model

Lukianova R.


Modeling the global distribution of the electric potential in the Earth’s ionosphere is based on the solution of a 2D continuity equation in the ionospheric-magnetospheric current circuit. The potential distribution is described by the boundary value problem for an elliptic system of partial differential equations on the spherical shell approximating the ionosphere, which is divided into three subregions with nonlocal boundary conditions. Implementation of the boundary conditions, which reflect the continuity of the common current circuit and potential equalization at the boundaries of the polar caps, is leading to the mutual dependence of the potential distribution within the northern and southern caps and their influence on the potential distribution in the midlatitude region. The problem is solved by an iterative method with a regularizing operator which is inverted using the separation of the variables and the fast Fourier transform with respect to the azimuthal variable and the sweep method with respect to the latitudinal one.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):708-715
pages 708-715 views

Technology to predict acoustic far-field disturbances in the case of calculations in a rotating reference frame

Bakhvalov P., Bobkov V., Kozubskaya T.


The paper discusses the use of the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings method to predict far-field acoustic disturbances in the case of near-field calculations in a rotating reference frame. This formulation is particularly convenient for the simulation of a single rotor. If the rotor velocity is sufficiently high, in Farassat’s classical 1A formulation, when using the control surface associated with the grid, singularities arise in the expression under the integral sign. In order to avoid them, we use an axisymmetric control surface and consider it fixed in the absolute reference frame. This makes it possible to reduce the additional difficulties caused by rotation and interpolate and calculate the derivatives with respect to the angle.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):716-726
pages 716-726 views

Using GPUs for solving problems of combustion and physicochemical transformations

Betelin V., Nikitin V., Smirnov N., Smirnova M., Stamov L., Tyurenkova V.


The goal of this work is to study the applicability of modern GPUs for the computation of combustion and detonation problems for a nonstationary regime. The capacity of the graphics card and universal processors connected in parallel for solving problems of detonation initiation is compared.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):727-741
pages 727-741 views

Efficient algorithms of the numerical simulation of medium-scale irregularities in a low-latitude ionosphere

Kashchenko N., Ishanov S., Matsievsky S.


A nonlinear difference scheme of solving transport equations in models of the Rayleigh−Taylor instability in the equatorial region of the Earth’s ionosphere is considered. For the test problems, the experimental value of the approximation order of the suggested method of the nonlinear correction of the difference scheme is obtained and the monotonicity of the constructed scheme is confirmed.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):742-748
pages 742-748 views

Current pulse reconstrution according to the electric field intensity measured on the inner surface of the tube

Khiryanova A., Tkachenko S.


The reconstruction problem is studied for a current pulse passing through a hollow cylindrical conductor (tube) such that the wall thickness is much greater than the thickness of the skin layer. The time dependence of the electric field intensity measured on the inner surface of the tube is used to reconstruct the current pulse. The proposed method allows us to study the evolution of the penetration of the magnetic field through the conductor thickness. The results for the test problems (both for the case of a constant temperature and for the case where the temperature varies over the tube thickness) are presented. Also, the current pulse is reconstructed via the electric field intensity measured at the inner surface of the tube within the experiment executed on the Angara-5-1 installation.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(6):749-758
pages 749-758 views