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Volume 11, Nº 6 (2019)


Increased Efficiency of Systems Modeling Electronic Circuits in Frequency Domains

Gridin V., Anisimov V.


We consider methods to construct mathematical models for the automation of circuit design that implement the calculations of the parameters and the structure of the circuit connections of the components of the developed electronic device displayed by its graphic scheme. We note that the modeling of frequency properties of an electronic circuits in a frequency range is among the main problems of circuit design. Within this range, the frequency characteristics of the circuit are computed multiply to find the admissible or optimum values of the parameters of the components used in the designed electronic circuit. It is shown that two approaches to resolve such a problem are possible. The first approach is based on the description of the simulated circuit by complex matrices at each frequency f [kf] of the given frequency range with the preliminary calculation of the operator s = (0.0, 2 × 3.14 f [kf]). A substantial disadvantage of this approach is the necessity to form a mathematical description of all the circuit components at each frequency. The second approach is based on the representation of the complex matrix of the scheme in the bilinear form W = A + sB, where A and B are real frequency-independent matrices. It is shown that, in a number of cases, we have to present the equations of frequency-dependent components in an explicit form to implement such an approach, while this is possible only if the scheme is described in selected coordinate bases such that this possibility is foreseen for them. A technique is proposed to describe the simulated circuits based on a modified basis of the nodal potentials, providing the possibility to use both explicit and implicit forms to specify the component equations. It is shown that the bilinear form of the circuit description, based on the modified basis, substantially improves the efficiency of computing the frequency characteristics because the fixed frequency-independent matrix components of the circuit are used at each frequency.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):859-866
pages 859-866 views

Cabaret Difference Scheme with Improved Dispersion Properties

Sukhinov A., Chistyakov A.


A difference scheme for the transfer problem, constructed as a linear combination of the Cabaret scheme and the central difference scheme, is proposed. The stability and dispersion properties of the scheme are studied. It is shown that the constructed scheme has the best dispersion properties for high-frequency harmonics at small Courant numbers compared with the known Cabaret scheme for the transport equation. A comparison is made of the errors of this scheme and the two-parameter third-order difference accuracy scheme based on the numerical experiments on the previously used test problem sets. It is shown that in the normal grid space L1 the developed scheme has smaller errors and also uses a more compact template (in calculating the inode the node values i – 1, i, and i + 1 are used), and the transition to the next time layer is carried out for a smaller number of arithmetic operations.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):867-876
pages 867-876 views

Near-Well Upscaling to Simulate Wells with Hydraulic Fractures

Kireev T., Bulgakova G.


An important task in reservoir simulation is to take into account the effect of a hydraulic fracture on the well’s performance. The upscaling method allows efficiently computing the inflow into a well with a fracture on a coarse grid. A numerical near-well upscaling procedure for hydraulic fractures on an unstructured Voronoi grid is proposed. The upscaling procedure is shown to be significantly more accurate than the classical EDFM method.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):877-883
pages 877-883 views

The Dynamics of the Epidemic Process with the Antibiotic-Resistant Variant of the Pathogen Agent

Gerasimov A.


The parasite–host system is considered with two different variants of a pathogen agent with complete cross protection, where one of the variants may transform into another with a certain probability. This system corresponds to the epidemic process initiated by the antibiotic-resistant variant of the pathogen agent. The behavior of solutions is studied. It is proved that the main case has a unique nontrivial steady-state solution that is a global attractor. The speed of the exponential approach of small deviations to the steady-state solution is obtained.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):884-893
pages 884-893 views

Some Exact Solutions to the Problem of a Liquid Flow in a Contracting Elastic Vessel

Mozokhina A., Mukhin S.


In this paper, we consider some exact solutions of the hemodynamic equations in a contracting vessel in a quasi-one-dimensional approximation in relation to the problems arising in the description of the lymph flow. Solutions for the linearized problem in the case of forced small contractions of the vessel’s lumen are given. An analytical solution of a nonlinear system is obtained and studied at the dependence of the vessel’s cross section only on time. Exact solutions are reproduced in the numerical calculation.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):894-904
pages 894-904 views

Optimal Location of Heat Sources Inside Areas with Complex Geometric Shapes

Osipov O., Brusentsev A.


Algorithms of the optimal arrangement of heat sources with volumetric heat release within regions of a complex geometric shape are considered. The distribution found has the minimum total power and provides the temperature in the given temperature corridor. Finite-dimensional approximations of the original problem are constructed in the form of a linear programming problem. A method is given for constructing a finite-difference scheme for solving the heat equation, as well as a brief description of the developed software modules for constructing grids and solving equations. Several computer experiments have been carried out using the developed programs.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):905-913
pages 905-913 views

Performance of Elbrus-8C Processor in Supercomputer CFD Simulations

Gorobets A., Neiman-Zade M., Okunev S., Kalyakin A., Soukov S.


This work is devoted to evaluating the performance of a multicore CPU Elbrus-8C processor in supercomputer computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications. Parallel simulation codes based on highly accurate methods on unstructured meshes for modeling the turbulent flows are considered. The main features of the Elbrus architecture are described, and the approaches for adaptating and optimizing the computing software are presented. The performance is investigated for both entire algorithms and their operations separately. The results of comparative testing with different multicore Intel and AMD CPUs are presented.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):914-923
pages 914-923 views

Application of the Grid-Characteristic Method to the Solution of Direct Problems in the Seismic Exploration of Fractured Formations (Review)

Petrov I., Muratov M.


The papers dedicated to the procedures of solving direct problems in seismic exploration of fractured formations are considered in this review article. The fractured formations are known to be potential hydrocarbon reservoirs, which are being studied actively at the present time. Due to high cost of field prospecting works, the numerical simulation is an important part in such research, leading to a significant decrease in financial and time expenditures. The papers focusing on conventional popular practical modeling methods based on the use of effective models are considered. A significant part of this work also deals with the papers that use the procedures developed by the authors to solve the formulated range of problems. These procedures are based on a grid-characteristic numerical method with interpolation on unstructured triangular (in the 2D-case) and tetrahedral (in the 3D-case) meshes. The grid-characteristic method most accurately describes the dynamical processes in exploration seismology problems, because it considers the nature of wave phenomena. The used approach allows making the correct computational algorithms at the boundaries and contact boundaries of the integration domain. An important part of this article describes the different models of fracturing. The results of mathematical modeling by the developed procedure, which are presented in the authors’ papers, are also considered. The important practical conclusions made in the considered papers are presented.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):924-939
pages 924-939 views

Modeling the F Layer of the Earth’s Ionosphere: Solution of the Ambipolar Diffusion Equations

Kulyamin D., Ostanin P., Dymnikov V.


The paper presents the problem formulation and methods of numerical solution for a dynamical global model of the F layer of the Earth’s ionosphere (altitude 100–500 km), which is a computational unit of the coupled thermosphere–ionosphere model. The model is based on a system of equations of the global ionospheric formation and dynamics in a spherical geomagnetic coordinate system in the approximation of a thin spherical layer. The features of the formulated system of equations are investigated and the methods for its solution are proposed based on the method of splitting them by physical processes. In this paper we present the results of a single step of the splitting method—the solution of equations which describe the ambipolar diffusion of ions along the magnetic field lines and the gravitational settling of ions, as well as the plasma–chemical transformations. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms is investigated based on the prescribed analytical solution, which qualitatively correctly describes the real ionospheric electron distribution. The results of the numerical experiments on studying the sensitivity of the solution to perturbations of the ion flow at the upper boundary are provided.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):940-950
pages 940-950 views

Mathematical Model of a Testbed for Accelerometer Trials

Sokolov S., Boguslavsky A., Trifonov O., Sazonov V.


We develop a mathematical model of a dynamical testbed for testing accelerometer assemblies created at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. It has a movable platform with one degree of freedom. It can rotate about the axis fixed in the prescribed direction. The tested accelerometer assemblies are placed in the platform that rotates arbitrarily. Its real motion is reconstructed a posteriori by measurements of the vision system. The reconstruction is carried out in digital form and allows us to calculate the real acceleration felt by the assemblies. The calculated acceleration is compared with the measured one. The comparison results are used to test and calibrate sensors, electronic units, etc.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):951-963
pages 951-963 views

Three-Dimensional Simulation of an Ion Charge Exchange with Metal Surfaces

Gainullin I., Sonkin M.


Ion beams are used to diagnose and modify the surface of solids. Simulation of an ion charge exchange with the surface is necessary not only for understanding its fundamental laws but also for quantitative diagnostics since charged particles (ions) are recorded in most experimental setups. Due to the inevitable substantial numerical complexity in the direct simulation of the charge exchange, until recently only approximate one- and two-dimensional methods had been used. A few years ago, the authors created a program code that implements a direct three-dimensional simulation for graphical processing units. This article presents some examples of the calculations and studies the correct setting of the initial conditions.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):964-972
pages 964-972 views

Interface-Capturing Method for Calculating Transport Equations for a Multicomponent Heterogeneous System on Fixed Eulerian Grids

Zhang C., Menshov I.


In this paper, we consider a new numerical method for solving the transport equations for a multicomponent heterogeneous system on fixed Eulerian grids. The system consists of an arbitrary number of components. Any two components are separated by a boundary (interface). Each component is determined by a characteristic function, i.e., a volume fraction that is transported in a specified velocity field and determines the spatial instantaneous component distribution. A feature of this system is that its solution requires two conditions to be met. Firstly, the volume fraction of each component should be in the range [0, 1], and, secondly, any partial sum of volume fractions should not exceed unity. To ensure these conditions, we introduce special characteristic functions instead of volume fractions and propose solving transport equations with respect to them. It is proved that the fulfillment of these conditions is ensured when using this approach. In this case, the method is compatible with various TVD schemes (MINMOD, Van Leer, Van Albada, and Superbee) and interface-sharpening methods (Limited downwind, THINC, Anti-diffusion, and Artificial compression). The method is verified by calculating a number of test problems using all of these schemes. The numerical results show the accuracy and reliability of the proposed method.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):973-987
pages 973-987 views

Model of the Dynamics of the Number of Arachnids in the Spectrum of Their Interspecies Competitive Relationships

Yusifov E., Mamedov A., Novruzov N., Khalilova V.


The article deals with the construction and research of a mathematical model for studying the dynamics of the number of arachnids herpetobionts in the spectrum of their trophic competitive relations. The problems of determining the necessary variables and calculation coefficients for constructing and studying the model in relation to various trophic situations are discussed. The model is based on the nonlinear differential equation of Lotka-Volterra. The studies carried out with the aid of the constructed model show that the response of the system to any perturbation is of an oscillatory nature. The nature of the solutions depends on the initial perturbation, and they differ in the magnitude of the amplitude and period of the oscillations. The steady-state solutions of the mathematical model are multiperiod oscillations, which are characteristic for biological systems. The numerical and graphically presented data of the research results of the proposed model are presented.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):988-996
pages 988-996 views

Glaciation and Thawing Models of the Outer Surface of an Offshore Gas Pipeline in the Northern Seas

Kurbatova G., Ermolaeva N., Nikitchuk B.


Glaciation and thawing models of the outer surface of an offshore gas pipeline in the northern seas are presented. The glaciation model suggests a modification of the Stefan condition that allows us to account for the features of sea-ice growth in salt water. A numerical algorithm for solving an unsteady problem of glaciation (thawing) of a multilayer cylindrical area by an explicit front-tracking method and some calculation results for different versions of these problems of practical interest are given. Qualitative estimates of the feasibility of the transition to a quasi-stationary version of the glaciation (thawing) model of multilayer areas are obtained. The quantitative condition for the admissibility of using the quasi-stationary approximation in the calculations of glaciation (thawing) of a certain multilayer area is given. These estimates are important for developing effective numerical algorithms to calculate unsteady regimes of gas transportation through offshore gas pipelines. For the problems of the thawing of the surface of an offshore gas pipeline, an equation is proposed that allows us to find the minimal ice thickness under the conditions studied.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):997-1006
pages 997-1006 views

Sound Scattering by a Thermoelastic Ball with a Continuously Inhomogeneous Coating in a Heat-Conducting Fluid

Larin N., Tolokonnikov L.


Direct and inverse problems on the diffraction of a plane harmonic sound wave on a thermoelastic ball with a coating in the form of a radially inhomogeneous thermoelastic spherical layer bounded by inviscid heat-conducting fluid are solved. Oscillations of the coated ball are considered in terms of a linear model of coupled thermoelasticity. The wave fields are determined in the spherical body and outside it. The calculation results are presented for the frequency and angular dependences of the amplitude of a scattered acoustic field in the far zone. The significant difference between the sound scattering characteristics for thermoelastic and elastic bodies is shown. The coating is simulated to provide the least sound scattering in the given frequency range and angular observation sector. Functionals expressing the intensity of the sound reflection are constructed and an algorithm for their minimization based on a combination of random search and coordinate descent methods is presented. The heterogeneity patterns of a thermoelastic coating with the optimal sound reflecting properties are found.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):1007-1018
pages 1007-1018 views

Numerical Schemes and Hybrid Approach for the Simulation of Unsteady Turbulent Flows

Epikhin A.


The paper presents a brief review of computational approaches for the simulation of turbulent flows and shows that the correct calculation of large-scale vortex structures necessarily requires the use of eddy-resolving methods, while the applied numerical schemes must be stable and accurately describe the spatial evolution of vortices. The dissipative properties and stability of most numerical schemes implemented in the OpenFOAM package are analyzed by solving problems on the decay of the homogeneous isotropic turbulence and scalar transfer. It is established that the considered schemes are not suitable for correctly calculating the propagation and dissipation of vortices in space; therefore, they are refined to eliminate oscillations and maintain an acceptable level of dissipation. An algorithm for combining the URANS and LES methods using zoning of the computational domain is described and implemented. To test the implemented calculation method of unsteady turbulent flows, we simulate the flow around a maneuvering aircraft with an installed airbrake deflection. The flow patterns of the aircraft and its aerodynamic characteristics are obtained and compared with the experimental data.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):1019-1031
pages 1019-1031 views

Variational Entropic Regularization of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Gasdynamic Equations

Kriksin Y., Tishkin V.


A constructive version of the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM) of arbitrary orders of accuracy to solve gasdynamic (GD) equations is proposed. This DGM is based on the new variational principle of entropic regularization ensuring the implementation of discrete analogs of the conservation laws of mass, momentum, total energy, and entropic inequality.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):1032-1040
pages 1032-1040 views

The Mathematical Model of the Fluorescence Processes Accounting for the Quantum Effect of the Nonlocal Screening

Eremin Y., Sveshnikov A.


Based on the discrete sources method, a mathematical model is developed that enables to analyze the fluorescence process in the presence of a plasmonic structure taking into consideration the nonlocal screening effect. It is shown that the plasmonic structure’s quantum yield can be represented analytically omitting integration procedures. The influence of the effect on the quantum yield and the fluorescence enhancement factor is investigated depending on the plasmonic structure geometry. It is demonstrated that accounting for the nonlocal screening effect leads to a shift of the maximum position towards the long-wave region and a decrease in the amplitude of the fluorescence enhancement factor.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):1041-1051
pages 1041-1051 views

The Preconditioning of Chemical Sources Terms in Equations with Diffusion, Convection and Chemical Kinetics

Petrusev A.


The reasons of singularity have been considered for finite-differences equations of multi-components hydrodynamics of chemically active gas. To prevent the equations singularity, the preconditioning method is developed. The method is adjusted for modeling of one-dimension gas mixture combustion in the case of extremely fast chemical reactions present.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):1052-1058
pages 1052-1058 views

Simulation of Generalized Nonlinear Fourth Order Partial Differential Equation with Quintic Trigonometric Differential Quadrature Method

Geeta Arora ., Varun Joshi .


This paper aims to focus on the implementation of a new approach, quintic trigonometric B-spline basis functions in differential quadrature method to find numerical solution of generalized fourth order partial differential equations with nonlinearity involved. The obtained results using this approach are presented in comparison with available exact and numerical solutions obtained by other researchers. The obtained solutions are in agreement with the available exact solutions and even better than the solutions proposed by the other schemes in the literature. The applicability of the scheme are demonstrated by different eight test problems for the discussed equations that are simulated, for calculating errors like L2, \({{L}_{\infty }}\), RMS and GRE. To visualize the same, solutions are also presented graphically along with the exact solutions. Scheme is shown to be unconditionally stable with the help of eigenvalues, which demonstrates the consistency of the proposed numerical scheme.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2019;11(6):1059-1083
pages 1059-1083 views

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