On the Group of Continuous Automorphisms of Some Profinite Groups



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We prove some conditions on a given abstract group G, such that the group Autc(\(\hat G\)) of the continuous automorphisms of the profinite completion \(\hat G\) of G endowed with the congruence subgroup topology, is profinite. Also, for a given abstract group G, if Autc(\(\hat G\)) is profinite, then we establish relations betweenG, Aut(G), \(\widehat {Aut(G)}\), and Autc(\(\hat G\)) when each of these groups is endowed with appropriate topology. Finally, we applied the obtained results to the class of one-relator groups given by the presentation Gmn = 〈a, b; [am, bn] = 1〉 (m > 1,n > 1).


Gilbert Mantika

Department of Mathematics, Ecole Normale Supérieure

Email: gilbertmantika@yahoo.fr
喀麦隆, Maroua

Daniel Tieudjo

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Email: gilbertmantika@yahoo.fr
喀麦隆, Ngaoundere

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