N-radial systems of points and problems for non-overlapping domains



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Paper is devoted to one classic problem of geometric function theory on extremal decomposition of the complex plane. We consider a problem of maximization of product of inner radii of n non-overlapping domains.


A. Bakhtin

Department of Complex Analysis and Potential Theory

Email: alexander.bahtin@yandex.ru
乌克兰, Tereschenkivska 3, Kiev-4, 01004

L. Vygivska

Department of Complex Analysis and Potential Theory

Email: alexander.bahtin@yandex.ru
乌克兰, Tereschenkivska 3, Kiev-4, 01004

I. Denega

Department of Complex Analysis and Potential Theory

Email: alexander.bahtin@yandex.ru
乌克兰, Tereschenkivska 3, Kiev-4, 01004

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