The analysis of effectiveness of isolated and combined prescription of non-opioid analgesics and adjutants during different surgery




The paper presents the results of clinical study conduced in order to compare the effectiveness of different non-opioid analgesics and adjuvants affecting the NMDA-receptors and applied for prophylaxis and management of acute postoperative pain. The study includes 347 patients undergone appendectomy, inguinal hernia repair, laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It was show that some non-opioid analgesics (NSAIDs) and adjuvans (ketamine, gabapentin) reduce pain intensity and opioid analgesics consumption for some surgical manipulations and are not effective for the other surgery. Complex prescription of NSAIDs, ketamine and gabapentin significantly reduces intensity of postoperative pain in all conditions and allows refusing from using of opioid analgesics.


I. Efremenko

FSBI “Ryazan’ City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medicine”

390013, Ryazan’

Alexei Ovechkin

SBEI “Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University” of MHC of RF

119991, Moscow

M. Krasnoselskiy

SBEI “Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University” of MHC of RF

119991, Moscow


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