Perioperative management of patients receiving longterm antithrombotic therapy. Clinical guidelines




The guidelines present approaches to indication and interruption of long-term antithrombotic and anticoagulant therapy in perioperative period, as well as current concepts of performing regional anesthesia in patients, receiving antithrombotic and anticoagulant therapy. The guidelines are based on the Guidelines, issued by European Society of Anesthesiology, 2010, and analytical overview of recommendations of various national societies of regional anesthesia.


Igor Zabolotskih

SBEI “Kuban State Medical University” of MHC of RF

350063, Krasnodar

M. Kirov

SBEI "North State Medical University” of MHC of RF

163000, Arckhangelsk

S. Bozhkova

FSBI “Vreden Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics” of MHC of RF

195427, Saint Petersburg

A. Bulanov

FSBI “Hematological Research Center” of MHC of RF

125167, Moscow

N. Vorob'yova

SBEI "North State Medical University” of MHC of RF

163000, Arckhangelsk

E. Grigoriev

SBEI “Kemerovo State Medical Academy” of MHC of RF

650056, Kemerovo

A. Gritsan

SBEI “Krasnoyarsk State Medical University” of MHC of RF

660022, Krasnoyarsk

I. Kurapeev

SBEI “Mechnikov North-West State Medical University" of MHC of RF

191015, Saint Petersburg

K. Lebedinskiy

SBEI “Mechnikov North-West State Medical University" of MHC of RF

191015, Saint Petersburg

V. Lomivorotov

FSBI “Academician Meshalkin Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulation pathology”

630055, Novosibirsk

A. Ovechkin

SBEI “Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University” of MHC of RF

119991, Moscow

V. Potievskaya

SBEI “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” of MHC of RF

123995, Moscow

S. Sin’kov

SBEI “Kuban State Medical University” of MHC of RF

350063, Krasnodar

V. Subbotin

FSBRI “Academician Petrovskiy Russian Research Center of Surgery” of MHC of RF

119991, Moscow

E. Shulutko

FSBI “Hematological Research Center” of MHC of RF

125167, Moscow


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