Evaluation of autonomic nervous system state in the patients with trauma of distal part of lower limb during perioperative period depending on type of anesthesia




Data about the early postoperative period at 90 patients operated on distal part of the lower extremities, depending on a type of anesthesia, there are submitted in the article. There were compared patients with the isolated spinal anesthesia, patients with spinal anesthesia in combination with local anesthesia of a zone of surgery and patients with a combination of spinal anesthesia and peripheral nerves blocks. It is proved that the most prefer option of anestesia is the combination of spinal anesthesia with blockade of nerves of the bottom extremity. This type of anesthesia allows not only to stop a pain syndrome effectively, but also to provide stable indicators of a neurovegetative homeostasis in the early postoperative period.


Natalija Murashova

Yaroslavl state medical university

Email: nata974@yandex.ru
150000, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

P. Lyuboshevskij

Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

S. Larionov

Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

A. Ganert

Yaroslavl state medical university

150000, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation


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